Page 7 - Spardha 2024
P. 7

                        GOOD HEALTH
                       AND WELL BEING-

               SPARDHA 2024 - International Sports                At City Montessori School, we are committed
               Olympiad, a festival of Sports for youth           to harness the power of sports to drive
               provides a world-class platform for students       positive change! By prioritizing health and
               from across the globe to participate               well-being through physical activity,
               enthusiastically in competitions that              education, and safety, we empower
               promote the spirit of sportsmanship.               individuals and communities to thrive,
                                                                  aligning with the United Nations' Sustainable
               We aim to create equitable opportunities for
               students to come together on the field to          Development Goal 3 (SDG    3): Good Health
                                                                  and Well-being.
               promote various forms of sports while also
               raising consciousness towards health and           I congratulate Ms. Jyotsna Atul, Principal of
               Well -being.                                       CMS RDSO campus and her entire team for
               Through values such as perseverance,               conceptualizing and organising this event.
                                                                  We wish the very best to the participants and
               teamwork and consistency in making efforts,
               we hope that youth will find within                hope they will foster lifelong friendships
                                                                  while striving to unify the world through the
               themselves the power to erase borders of
               place and mind and build bridges that bring        universal language of sports.
               nations closer together.

                                                                          Prof. Geeta Gandhi Kingdon,
                                                                                            City Montessori School

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