Page 6 - Spardha 2024
P. 6

                  GOOD HEALTH
                  AND WELL BEING-

            CMS is a distinctive and remarkable school in      with no other option except to embrace the
            academic excellence, spiritual and value-based     inevitable—global unity for global peace.
            education and enjoys the rare honour of being
                                                              Starting with only 5 children the journey of the
            recogni ed by the Guinness Book of Worlds
                                                               school has been marked with many difficulties
            Records as the world's largest school in a single
                                                               and impediments. But, the 'noble cause' has kept
            city with over 63,000 pupils on its roll. CMS  is the
                                                               it going, pushing it forward with innovative
            only school in the world to be awarded with
                                                               teaching, giving the best of results in the Board
            UNESCO Prize for Peace Education, 2002.
                                                               examinations year after year. As a result, the
            Established in 1959 the school is unique in its    strength of the school has grown to over 63,000
            approach to teaching and learning. The             pupils.
            difference lies in the vision—the vision of world
                                                              CMS is now known for its balanced education in all
            unity and world peace. The school motto JAI
                                                               the three realities of life i.e. Material, Human and
            JAGAT (Glory be to the world) was carefully
                                                               Divine and making the child good & smart, a gift of
            chosen to send across the message that unity
                                                               God to mankind, a pride of the human race and
            and not the division of the world is the destiny of
                                                               potential light of the world.
            mankind. Some thought that it was a Utopian
                                                              Sport is the fabric that joins different cultures
            Idea. Fortunately, after 65 years that 'Utopian
                                                               and bring under one canopy the people of all
            Idea' is within easy reach of realisation, thanks to
                                                               nations. We wish RDSO  Campus a grand success
            the incredible advancement in science and
                                                               in achieving the aim and goal of this Olympiad
            technology and the phenomenal rise of world
                                                               and congratulate them for organi ing the event.s
            unity and world peace promoters. If the vast
            network of information packed on the internet is
            any guide, one will realise the true feelings of
            humanity. Threatened by the presence of nuclear
                                                                                     Dr. Bharti Gandhi
            weapons and the lives of world's 2 billion
                                                                                             Founder Director
            children constantly in danger, humanity is left                             City Montessori School

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