Page 24 - Spardha 2024
P. 24

                  GOOD HEALTH
                  AND WELL BEING-
                  3          07 Inspirations of
                             DR JAGDISH GANDHI
                                                        for World Unity through meaningful education

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             Mahatma Gandhi  Victor Hugo  Nelson Mandela  Abdul Baha,  Albert Einstein  Jan Tinbergen  Vinoba Bhave
                                                       son of Baha'u'llah
            1. Inspired by Mahatma Gandhi, Dr Jagdish Gandhi, besides imparting  4. Inspired by Albert Einstein's thought that "Only World Law can ensure
              quality education, has been trying to inculcate universal values of  progress towards a Civilized peaceful community", he has been running a
              Truth, Non-violence and Love for Whole Humanity in the minds of  campaign by calling all nations of the world to empower the International
              over 63,000 students of his school – the City Montessori School  Court of Justice for peaceful resolution of international disputes, which will
              (CMS)Lucknow,India.                             alsoobviatetheneedforarmedconflicts.
            2. Drawing inspiration from Victor Hugo who said "there is one thing  5. Inspired by Nobel Laureate Jan Tinbergen's observation that world’s
              stronger than all the armies of the world and that is AN IDEA whose  problems can be solved onlybystrengtheningtheUnitedNationsSystem,Dr
              time has come" and from the continuous struggle of Nelson Mandela  Jagdish Gandhi approached Kofi Annan, the then Secretary General, United
              for justice, Dr Gandhi came up with the IDEA that "Enforceable  Nations on behalf of two billion children of the world, requesting him to
              International Law and Empowering the International Court of Justice  safeguardthefutureofworld'stwobillionchildren by initiating steps to make
              is 'THE IDEA' whose time has come". With this IDEA in mind, he called  InternationalLawenforceableandbinding uponallthenationsoftheworld.
              upon the World Judiciary on the need of Enforceable International  6. Walking on the footsteps of Vinoba Bhave, he is making tireless efforts to
              Law to safeguard the future of world’s two billion children and  instil his concept of Jai Jagat (victory to the world) in the hearts & minds of
              generations yet-to-be-born. For the last nine years he has been  his students who greet each other with the call, 'Jai Jagat' and have imbibed
              organi ing International Conferences of Chief Justices of the Worlds  the spirit of global unity. He is raising his voice for the safe future of world's
              astheself-appointedguardianofworld'stwobillionchildren.  two billion children and generations yet to be born which has attracted
            3. Baha'u'llah had taught that 'Earth is but one country and mankind its  worldwideattention.
              citizens' and that the world will not survive without unity of hearts. He  7. Another person who according to him has saved his spiritual life, is his
              said that remedy for all the ills of 'This Day' is 'UNITY OF HEARTS'.  daughter Geeta Gandhi Kingdon. Dr Gandhi regards his second daughter as
              Inspired by His teachings, Dr Gandhi propagates His concept of Unity  his'SpiritualMother'becauseshepreventedhimfromcontestingforasecond
              of Hearts, 'Oneness of God', 'Oneness of Religion' and 'Oneness of  terminstatelegislativeassemblyelectionsandbeinvolvedindivisivepolitics,
              Mankind', through manifold daily school activities and also through  since the family had now accepted the Baha'i Faith for spiritual regeneration
              26 annual international events, to over 63,000 CMS students, their  andthefaithprohibitsitsfollowersfromparticipatinginDivisivePoliticswhich
              parentsandglobalsocietyatlarge.                 itbelievesisahindranceinspiritualprogress.

            DR JAGDISH GANDHI            Unique endeavours towards World Unity through Meaningful Education

                          Dr Jagdish Gandhi was a visionary and a far-sighted  impart the best quality education but also to inculcate in children an intense
                          person, who had been making incessant efforts to  feeling for international understanding for political unity and economic
                          make the vision of One World into a reality. His  equality of the world that would bring to an end all disputes arising out of
                          courage and fighting spirit, not against persons, but  borders or border encroachments or arising out of economic disparity
                          against all odds and impediments in the path of  among nations, which have been the principal cause of wars including
                          realization of his vision, bound by sound reasoning, is  world wars in the past. According to him eternal peace can be established in
                          exceptional. His vision is World Unity, which, he  the world only by following one world order in which the political and
                          believed can be attained by a two-pronged strategy.  economic system is one and the same and in which there are no racial or
                          Dr Gandhi firmly believed that 'Jai-Jagat' based  religiousorregionalsquabbles.
                          quality education to children and inculcating in young  Impressed by the success of his vibrant educational system based on
            impressionable minds the ideas of World Unity: and the other one is to make  globalprioritiesthepresentstrength ofstudentshasgrownto63,000.
            efforts at global level by approaching the World Judiciary, for making efforts  He had launched a parallel campaign for uniting the world by convening
            to make this world a better place to live in, so as to bequeath to the next  International Conferences of Chief Justices of the World every year in
            generation and generations yet-to-be born, a safer and brighter inheritance  November, in which, ways and means are discussed to convince the
                                                              statesmen and rulers of different nations to unite the world under one
            Convinced that human progress springs from education he established City  political and economic system as a permanent means of putting to an end
            Montessori School (CMS) in 1959 at the age of 23 years with initial  theongoingdisputesintheworld.
            enrollment of only 5 children. His aim to establish CMS was not only to
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