Page 7 - June 2024
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EVENTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS  JUNE 2024 (6)  EVENTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS                                                               JUNE2024 (7)

 12 CMS students selected for the   Investing in Educational Leadership     Teachers' Thanksgiving Function held
 National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT)  CLAT PG Qualifier, Shashwat Tripathi
 success. CIC-EdL is a rigorous programme   Shashwat Tripathi of CMS   Universities, Bengaluru for admission to   function while Mr Neeraj Singh,
 Moolchandani, Mansi   that emphasizes critical thinking, effective                                           Chairman, FICCI Leaders Forum graced
 Verma, Avishi Yadav, Sakshi   leadership practices, and a commitment   Gomti Nagar Campus I   PG Programme in the National Law   the occasion as the Special Guest of
 Saxena, Akriti Singh, Areeba   to ongoing professional development.  qualified the Common Law   Universities of India. He secured   Honour. On this occasion, CMS teachers
 Ansari, Tanisha Srivastava   The inaugural cohort of eight CMS   Admission Test (CLAT) 2024   admission to the Ram Manohar Lohiya   presented a grand display of cultural
 and Ridhima Singh. The final   principals from various campuses   conducted by the   University of Lucknow.  items portraying the CMS philosophy of
 score of the candidates in   comprising Ms Aditi Sharma, Ms   Consortium of National Law                     education and also took out a huge
 this exam is prepared by   Anupama Checker, Ms Deepali Gautam,                                               Character Building March in the morning.
 The 1st CIC-EdL batch with Dr Vikram Singh, IPS, V.C.,
 considering their   Noida International University and other educationists  Ms Kanika Kapoor, Ms Maseerah Arif, Ms   Hosts Gomti Nagar Cambridge Section) win   Chief Guest Dr Vikram Singh, IPS and others
 performance in the written   CMS has become an accredited   Reema Sethi, Ms Reena Soti, and Ms   Inter-School Basketball Championship  As they proceeded for the summer
 exam and Situation Test/   Trapti Dwivedi, recently completed the        vacations a grand thanksgiving function
 Twelve CMS students have been selected   Personal Interview. Based on these   Cambridge Professional Development   Cambridge International, CMS Gomti Nagar
 for the National Institute of Fashion   scores, the students are eligible for   Centre in recognition of the importance of   programme. These Principals were   Extension organised the 2-day Inter-School   was organized for CMS teachers on 10th
                                                                          May at CMS Gomti Nagar Extension
 awarded certificates by the Chief Guest,
 Technology (NIFT), which is a national   admission to B.Des and B.FTech courses   fostering strong educational leadership.
 level Entrance Test conducted by the   in Fashion Technology and Design offered   This prestigious designation allows CMS   Dr Vikram Singh, Retd. IPS, Vice-  Basketball Championship on 22nd and 23rd   auditorium by the CMS Management.
 National Testing Agency (NTA) and   by 18 NIFT participating institutes in   to offer the Cambridge International   Chancelor, Noida International University   April. The host team won the Overall   Chief Guest, Dr Vikram Singh, IPS, Former
 undertaken by hundreds of students of   Chennai, Gandhinagar, Kolkata,   Certificate in Educational Leadership (CIC-  on 10th May. Notably, three participants   Basketball Championship displaying   DG Police, UP and Chancellor of Noida
 Class XII. CMS students selected to NIFT   Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Delhi   EdL), a globally recognized qualification   achieved the distinction level, highlighting   outstanding vigour and talent. International   International University lit the lamp of
 are  Laghima Pandey, Srishti Gautam,   and other major cities.  designed to equip school leaders with the   their outstanding performance in the   Basketball player, Mr Anoop Shukla gave   The winning team of CMS Cambridge  Learning to give an auspicious start to the   Delightful Dance at the Thanksgiving
 Shloka Shrivastav, Mansi Saxena, Roshani   necessary skills and knowledge for   course.  away the Championship Trophy to the
    winners amid loud applause and cheering. He   was full of praise for the talented players of the   Educationists from eight countries visit CMS
                                       CMS Cambridge Section.
 Model United Nations organised by CMS Rajajipuram Campus I  Model United Nations organised by CMS Aliganj Campus I
                                                                                                             Indonesia, Thailand, Mongolia, Philippines
 negotiations. Each committee had a   Divine Education Conference organized by                               and South Africa, arrived on a visit to CMS
 chairperson and a vice chairperson to ensure   CMS Ayodhya Road Campus                                      on 1st May, to gain valuable experience of
 the smooth functioning of the proceedings.                                                                  CMS International Olympiads and
 The committees of MUN 2024 comprised   All Religion Prayer and World Peace Prayer                           Competitions and create a format to
 United Nations General Assembly, United   and various educational-cultural items                            organize the forthcoming international
 Nations Security Council, United Nations   were held. The occasion became even                              event so that the students participating in
                                       more joyous with the jubilance of the    Educational experts on CMS visit  the Olympiad may compete on a level
                                       prize-winners in the annual examination                               playing field and a road map for teaching
 MUN in progress  A time to ponder on global issues  A view of the Model United Nations  along with those who had brought name   A 16-member delegation comprising   mathematics at international level may
                                       and fame to the school by winning prizes in   delegates from Taiwan, Vietnam, Bulgaria,   also be prepared.
 CMS Rajajipuram Campus I organised the   collaboration of City One Initiative, a   Over 600 students from Nepal and   various competitive events, cultural
 2nd edition of its 2-day Model United   learning upskilling institute.   different schools of India took part in the   Expressions of Talent at Divine Ed. Conference  activities, sports etc. CMS Founder-  Scientific Innovation at CMS Rajajipuram (Cambridge Section)
 Nations - Empowering Diplomacy,   Seven committees of students   third edition of the 3-day Model United   Director, Dr Bharti Gandhi and Manager,
 Transforming Global Community on 27th   representing different committees of the   Nations (MUN 2024) organised by CMS   CMS Ayodhya Road Campus organized its   Prof. Geeta Gandhi Kingdon were also   created a model of human lungs using
 and 28th August with  participation of   United Nations were formed on the lines   Aliganj Campus I from 3rd to 5th May   Divine Education Conference and Parents   present. Principal of CMS Ayodhya Road   balloons, straws, and disposable water
 over 400 students from Kanpur, Raibareily,   of the General Assembly of the United   2024. The MUN was formally inaugurated   Day at CMS Gomti Nagar Extension   Campus, Ms Nupur Dawra thanked the   bottles. This hands-on activity likely
 Bhilwara, Jabalpur, Ooty and various   Nations. The committees including the   by the Chief Guest, Justice Siddharth   auditorium on 4th May. The School Prayer,   parents for their constant support.  helped them understand the structure
 schools of Lucknow. The event was   International Press, Lok Sabha, the United   Verma, Judge, Allahabad High Court, while   Chief Guest Mr Justice S. Verma inaugurating the MUN  and function of the respiratory system.
 formally inaugurated by the Chief Guest,   Nations Human Rights Council, UN   Ms Niti Jain, National Media Penalist, BJP,   Commission for the Status of Women,   Inter-school Roller Skating championship organised   They likely learned about how the lungs
 Mr Arsh Ali, who is a former student of   Commission on Status of Women, UN   was the Guest of Honour. The participants   United Nations Human Rights Council,   inflate and deflate during breathing, with
 CMS and Youngest Archaeologist and first   Framework Convention on Climate Change   representing various countries of the   Joint Crisis Committee, United Nations   by CMS Rajajipuram Campus II  the balloons representing the lungs, the
 Egyptologist of India. Students of several   and the UN Security Council Counter   world presented a simulation of the   Military Observer Group in India and   straw simulating the windpipe, and the
 schools participated in this simulation of   Terrorism Committee, held discussions,   United Nations Gerenal Assembly and   Pakistan, International Monetary Fund,   Championship organised by CMS   Scientific brains at work  water bottle acting as the chest cavity.
 the United Nations and strived for   thereby helping students in developing   attempted to solve real world issues with   Lok Sabha and International Press etc.  Rajajipuram Campus II on 26 and 27 April   This activity likely enhanced their
 perfection as future policy makers and   their leadership, research, writing, public   the policies and perspectives of their   Outstanding alumnus of the campus, Mr   2024. The championship held at CMS   The grade 7 Cambridge learners   understanding of human biology and
                                       Gomti Nagar Extension premises was
 diplomats. The MUN was organised in   speaking and problem solving skills.  assigned country.   Narayan Srivastava, the Secretary General   formally inaugurated by CMS Founder-  conducted a science activity where they   physiology.
 Nine committees of the United Nations were    of MUN-2023, who is currently majoring   Director, Dr Bharti Gandhi by lighting the
 formed on the lines of the United Nations,
 CMS Principal awarded National Honour  each having its own agenda on which the   in Public Policy and Political Science from   reverential lamp. The talent of the   Fire Evacuation Drill at CMS Rajajipuram Campus II
 students playing the delegates from   the University of Toronto in Canada on   Skaters put their best foot forward  students was worth watching in   On 9th May 2024 CMS, Rajajipuram
 scholarship, was the Special Guest of
 Mrs Shivani   quality education and development of   different countries held discussions and   Adjustable Races, Quads Races, Inline
 Singh, Principal,   virtues in children for their all-round   Honour at the closing ceremony.  Students from 69 schools of Lucknow   Races, Short and Long Races, etc. The   Campus II conducted the Fire Evacuation
                                                                                                              Drill at 8:30am. The drill aimed to ensure
 CMS Aliganj   character development.  She was   displayed their sporting talent, technique   winning students were honoured with   the safety and preparedness of our
 Campus I has   presented this honour at an award   CMS Asharfabad, Station Road and Aliganj Campus II  and agility in various skating fixtures at   medals and citations.  students and staff in the event of a fire
 been honoured   ceremony held under the aegis of EU Media   the 2-day 4th Inter-school Roller Skating        emergency. Under the guidance of the
 with the   at the Educators Excellence Conclave held in                                                      dedicated faculty and staff, the drill went
 prestigious   Lucknow. CMS Manager, Prof. Geeta Gandhi                                                       extremely smoothly, demonstrating their
 ‘Swami   Kingdon congratulated Mrs Shivani Singh   Open Day in new Cambridge Section at CMS Gomti Nagar Campus I  commitment to the well-being of the
 Vivekanand   and said that it is due to the dedicated and                        Fire Safety demonstration   school community.
 National   committed principals and teachers like  CMS, Ms Dawn Taylor; and the Principal
 Principals Award’    Mrs Shivani Singh that the school is   Mrs Abha Anant. At the Open House   Dram Soc plays soar high
 Ms Shivani Singh being   for her   progressing in leaps and bounds and   Session of the Cambridge Section, the
 felicitated                           students from various grades participated
 commitment to   providing for the educational needs of   Eco-friendly artistry   Hards-on mathematics       CMS Ayodhya Road Campus, Golf City
 Lucknow.                              in a myriad of activities, showcasing their                           Campus, Rajajipuram Campus II and
 CMS Asharfabad, Station Road and Aliganj   creativity and learning prowess. Grade I                         Rajajipuram Campus III participated and
 Campus I  celebrated their Open Day   students crafted imaginative stories; in                              displayed their dramatics skills. Ms
 Euphenia: A Showcase of Talent and Passion  celebrations respectively on 23rd, 27th   Grade III, students were engaged in   Deepali Mark and Ms Shahein Ahmad
 and 28th April at the school premises with   Parents get to know the cambridge curriculum   persuasive flyer making and Grade IV   were worthy judges of the event. Ms
 Odeum: the Theatre and Performing Arts   great fervour and joy. Parents were   students delved into botany, conducting   Renita, a renowned actress and
 Club of CMS Gomti Nagar Campus I   overjoyed to witness the outpour of   A new Cambridge International Section   flower dissections and articulately   motivational speaker, attended the event
 orchestrated Euphenia, a 2-day theatrical   talent in their wards through cooperative   was inaugurated at CMS Gomti Nagar   discussing the anatomy of flowers.   Campus felicitates its genius brains  as the observer, providing valuable
 extravaganza, on 29th and 30th April   games, self-made exquisite pieces of   Campus I on 15th April. The inaugural   Interactive sessions on Music, French, and   perspectives and feedback. CMS
 2024. This event, formally inaugurated by   handicraft, computer, physical music and   Learning shapes by Sticking & Pasting  ceremony was attended by the Dean of   Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) were   Under the guidance of Mrs Vera Hajela,   Rajajipuram Campus II won the Special
 CMS Manager, Prof Geeta Gandhi Kingdon   dance. They expressed their feelings and   Cambridge Education at CMS, Ms Sushama   also held on the occasion.  Head English, CMS Alumni Association, I   Mention Award while Rajajipuram Campus
 and Principal, Mrs Abha Anant, wasn’t just   emotions with great artistic ability   Asharfabad, Mrs Deepali Gautam of CMS   Rajkumar; Head of School Improvement,   Soar High Project and Dramatics, 'Dram   III won the Best Presentation Award and
 about performances; but a celebration of   through drawings and paintings leaving   Station Road Campus and Mrs Samvida   Soc' was organised on 29th April which   Snigdha Tiwari of Class VII, CMS Golf City
 creativity, passion, and the indomitable   Drama, Conspiracing and intrigue in  the spectators awe-struck with their   Adhikari of CMS Aliganj Campus II   presented was a vibrant showcase of   Campus, won the Best Actor Award.
 expressed heartfelt gratitude towards the
 Shakespearean Play
 spirit of the youth.   creative abilities and the excellent   parents and guardians for encouraging   Pool Party at CMS Rajajipuram Campus II  talent in the realm of drama. Students of
 The timeless epic of the Ramayana in   Chiller Arts Production; Dr Manjari Johri,   teaching standards of the school.   their wards by registering their presence
 'Prem Ramayan', the political intrigue of   Professor, Department of English, Amity   Principals, Mrs Trapti Dwivedi of CMS   in the fun and learning activities.  for their age-group. The pool party was an   National Literary Leadership Award to CMS Gomti Nagar I
 Shakespeare’s 'Julius Caesar', and the   University; Dr Vipin Pandey, Assistant   attempt to drive away the sweltering heat
 haunting tragedy 'Macbeth', respectively   Professor, Department of English and   of summer and make the moments   CMS Gomti Nagar Campus I was awarded
 directed by Class XII students Vishesh   Modern European languages, Lucknow   Mothers Day celebration at Rajajipuram Campus II  memorable and joyful for the children. It   the National Literary Leadership Award at
 Gehani, Samaira Parveen and Kavya   University; Ms Sandhya Rastogi, Theatre   was further ensured that the children   the National Young Authors’ Fair for
 Agarwal brought the dedication and talent   Educationist and Principal of a   CMS Rajajipuram Campus II organised   remained hydrated and energetic even in   incorporating innovation and excellence in
 of the young actors to the fore under the   Government College; Professor Alka   Mothers Day in its usual grandeur and joy   the summer months and they enjoyed   education. Headmistress, Ms Saba
 able guidance of the school’s Activity   Pandey, Doctorate in Rangmanch,   at the Campus auditorium on 8th May.   Pool Party was an instant hit with the kids  having fresh fruit juices and then   Hussain, received the award on behalf of
 Incharge, Dr Manju Anand.   Department of Hindi, Lucknow University;   Mothers of the students participated in the   splashing in the pool. The pool party   the school from the Chief Guest, Mr Naor
 The event was made more meaningful   Mr Keshav Pandit, Actor and Director in   programme in huge numbers and gained   The pre primary students of CMS   infused in their tender hearts the spirit of   Gillon the Ambassador of Israel, at a
 with the esteemed presence of Professor   Theatre and Films; Mrs Neeta Sharma and   useful information regarding the Broader   Rajajipuram Campus II had a gala time   camaraderie and oneness whilst also   special awards ceremony held in   Ms Saba Hussain receiving the award
 Ranjana Krishna, Head of English   Mr Sumant Sharma, theatre persons;   and Bolder Education imparted at CMS.   enjoying their Pool Party held at the   relieving them of the heat of summer.   Gurugram, Haryana. The National Awards   CMS Gomti Nagar Campus I were
 Department at Avadh Girls PG College;   Mr Puneet Pathak, researcher and   The function highlighted the stellar role   Mothers display creative family collages  school campus on 30th April. The party   They made sand castles and dived into the   & Exhibition Ceremony was organized   felicitated on the occasion. 58 students
 Mr Puneet Asthana, Actor, Director and   Incharge of English theatre, Lucknow   played by mothers in making the children   was a gift of joy for the little ones as they   water and congratulated each other on   under the aegis of Educational Magazine   from the campus have published their
 Theatre Educationist; Mr Prafulla Tripathi,   University, Dr Vivek Pandit, Writer and   ideal world citizens who can bring about   revolutionary changes in society.  splashed merrily in the colourful plastic   their swimming skills, thus strengthening   Education World and Literary Publication   books under the BriBooks programme.
 Actor, Director, Writer and Founder of   Professor of Management, and others.  coated swimming pools specially designed   the bonds of friendship.  Bribooks. The top 40 schools including

 'Every child is potentially the light of the world—and at the same time its darkness; wherefore must the question of education be accounted as of primary importance.'   —Bahá’u’lláh  'Love the creatures for the sake of God and not for themselves. You will never become angry or impatient if you love them for the sake of God.'     —‘Abdu’l-Bahá
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