Page 2 - June 2024
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NEWS & VIEWS                                                                                                               JUNE 2024 (2)        MUSIC TRAINING AT CMS                                                                                                      JUNE 2024 (3)
                                                      (fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol (5 twu) ij fo'ks"k ys[k)                                                                           Everything perishes under the sun; Music alone shall live, Never Shall Die!
                           ge lHkh rHkh rd lqjf{kr gSa] tc rd gekjk i;kZoj.k lqjf{kr gS!

                                                                                                           & Lo- MkW- txnh'k xk¡/kh] laLFkkid] lh-,e-,l-               CMS Imparts training in both Indian & Western Music
                 (1) ,d /kjrh] ,d ifjokj] ,d   n'kdksa ls vulqy>h gSa vkSj bu y{;ksa ls gekjs thou  LokLF; ij rk s çfrdyw  çHkko iM + gh jgk g]S  tho&tra vq k as  fudy iM+s FksA ysfdu tSls gh ykdMkmu [kRe gqvk]   WESTERN MUSIC
                 Hkfo";%  ge lHkh tkurs gSa fd  dks  fu/kkZfjr  djus  okys  lkekftd]  vkfFkZd  vkSj  dh vuds  çtkfr;k aHkh yIq r gkrs h atk jgh agAaS    ge fQj fodkl dh va/kh nkSM+ esa 'kkfey gks x;s vkSj
                 i;kZoj.k  ekuo  thou  dk  og  i;; igyqvksa ds ckjs esa gekjs fodflr gksrh   (5) vkstksu ijr ds fcuk i`Foh ij thou dk vfLrRo   dksjksuk dh nwljh ygj dks le> rd ugha ik;sA ftlds
                 fgLlk gS] ftlds fcuk thou dh  le> dh >yd feyrh gSA ekuork ds 1@6 fgLls ds   lekIr gks tk;sxk%  fiNys dbZ o"kksZa esa gq, vkS|ksfxd   dkj.k ns'k ds vf/kdka'k yksxksa dks vkWDlhtu dh deh
                 dYiuk Hkh ugha dh tk ldrhA   lrr~ fodkl dk fo'o vkSj gekjs lqanj i`Foh ds fy,   fodkl  ds  dkj.k  i`Foh  ds  i;kZoj.k  esa  tcjnLr   ds dkj.k vius fdlh u fdlh fç; lnL; dks [kksuk
                 bldh egÙkk dks le>rs gq, gh  cgqr xgjk vlj gksxk Aß      vlarqyu gqvk gS] xzhu gkml xSlksa ds cgqr vf/kd   iM+kA bl nkSj esa d`f=e vkWDlhtu ds fy, yksxksa dks
                 o"kZ  1972  esa  LohMu  ds  'kgj   (3) Hkkjr vkjS  nfq u;k ,d fu.kk;Z d ekMs  + ij [kMh+  g%S    mRltZu ds dkj.k i`Foh ds ok;q eaMy dk larqyu   ,d vLirky ls nwljs vLirky rd u dsoy pDdj
                 LVkdgkse  esa  la;qDr  jk"Vª  la?k                                                           yxkuk iM+k cfYd fdrus gh yksxkas dh tku vLirky
    Late Dr Jagdish Gandhi             uoEcj] 2020 e asub Z fnYyh e ascky fnol d s volj ij  fcxM+us yxk gSA vkstksu ijr dks Hkh dkQh uqdlku gks
       CMS Founder  }kjk fo'o dk igyk varjkZ"Vªh;   vk;kfs tr cky lla n e as ckys r s g,q  n's k d s mijk"Viª fr   jgk gSA i`Foh dk vkSlr lrgh rkieku Hkh yxkrkj   ds xsV ij csM feyus ds bartkj esa pyh xbZA
                 i;kZoj.k  lEesyu  vk;ksftr   ekuuh; Jh odas ;S k uk;M w u s dgk ^^Hkkjr vkjS  nfq u;k ,d   c<+rk gh tk jgk gSA vf/kdka'k oSKkfudkas dk ekuuk gS  (7) ge lHkh rHkh rd ljq f{kr g]aS  tc rd gekjk
    gqvk]  ftlesa  119  ns'kksa  us  la;qDr  jk"Vª  i;kZoj.k   fu.kk;Z d ekMs  + ij [kMh+  gAS  gekj s cPp s tyok; q ifjoruZ    fd vkstksu ijr ds fcuk i`Foh ij thou dk vfLrRo  i;koZ j.k ljq f{kr g%S  e  gkRek xk/a kh th dk ekuuk Fkk fd
    dk;ZØe (UNEP) dk çkjaHk ^,d /kjrh* ds fl¼kar   d s dkj.k tcjnLr ladV esa gSa vkSj uhfr fu/kkZjd]  lekIr gks tk;sxkA blds lkFk gh fcxM+rs i;;  iF` oh] ok;]q  Hkfw e rFkk ty gekj s iow tZ k as l s çkIr lEifÙk;k a
    dks ysdj fd;k vkSj ,d ^i;kZoj.k laj{k.k dk ?kks"k.kk   usrk] lekt ds lnL;] ekrk&firk vkSj nknk&nknh  vlarqyu  vkSj  ekSle  pØ  esa  cnyko  ds  dkj.k  ugh agAaS  o sgekj scPpk asdh /kjkgs j asgAaS  o stlS h ge asfeyh ag]aS  ge as
    i=* rS;kj fd;k tks ^LVkdgkse ?kks"k.kk* ds uke ls   ds :Ik esa] ;g dsoy ge gh gSa] tks muds cpko esa vk  isM+&ikS/kksa ds vykok tho&tarqvksa ds vfLrRo ij Hkh  olS  sgh ml sHkkoh ihf<;+ k asdk slkiaS uk gkxs kA mudk dguk Fkk
    tkuk tkrk gSA th&20 dh v/;{krk djrs gq, gekjs   ldrs gSaA ge mnklhurk ds dkj.k vius cPpksa ds  ladV vk x;k gSA ,sls esa ;g t:jh gS fd gesa gj fnu  fd gekjh vko';drkvk as dh ifw r Z d s fy, bl iF` oh ij   The famous Carmina Burana in action at CMS Rajajipuram I  Vocal Music training at CMS  Young violinists learning to play melodious tunes
    ç/kkuea=h us lkjs fo'o dks vius ns'k dh olq/kSo   Hkfo"; dks [krjs esa ugha mBk ldrs gSaA** çd`fr euq";  i;kZoj.k fnol eukrs gq, çd`fr ds lkFk thuk lh[ksa  Ik;kIZ r lla k/ku g]S  exj gekj s ykyp d s fy, ugh a gAS
    dqVqEcde~ (fo'o ,d ifjokj) dh rtZ ij ^,d /kjrh]   dks ckj&ckj cM+h vkink& Hkwdai] lqukeh] pØokr  vkSj çd`fr ds lkFk fdlh Hkh rjg dh NsM+NkM+ u djsaA   çdf` r vkjS  i;koZ j.k d s çfr leUo; cuk; s j[kuk ge
    ,d ifjokj] ,d Hkfo";* dk ea= fn;k gSA     vkfn  tSlh  fo/oaldkjh  ?kVukvksa  ds  ek/;e  ls   (6) ge fQj fodkl dh va/kh nkSM+ esa 'kkfey gks x;s%  lcdk ufS rd drOZ ; Hkh g S vkjS  lkekftd mÙkjnkf;Ro   Music is the essence of life. It heals the wounded and infuses    ABRSM Qualifiers in  2021   247 students in Prep/Initial Grade
    (2) lrr~ fodkl y{; (SDG) dh çkfIr ,d lk>k  psrkokuh Hkh nsrh jgrh gSaA ysfdu bu psrkofu;ksa dks     dksjksuk egkekjh ds nkSjku gq, ykWdMkmu ds le;   HkhA  bl  çdkj  Hkkjrh;  n'kuZ   e as ol/q koS   dVq Eq cde ~  new life into the weary. The renowned musician, Ludwig Van   Performance Grade 7­ Divya Gautam, Aditya Yash, Neha Saroj   ABSRM  Qualifiers in 2022‐23
    oSf'od ftEesnkjh%  varjkZ"Vªh; leqnk; us la;qDr jk"Vª  njfdukj djrs gq, çd`fr dk yxkrkj nksgu tkjh gAS  geus ns[kk fd dbZ 'kgj tks fd Ik;kZoj.k çnw"k.k dh   vo/kkj.kk  d s rgr  i;koZ j.k  l s tMq h+   leL;kvk as dk   Beethovan said, “Music is …a higher revelation than all   Performance Grade 6 ­ Alpana Mehrotra, Puneet   Grade 7  Neha Saroj in Singing
    ds ek/;e ls 17 lrr~ fodkl y{;ksa dh ,sfrgkfld   (4) ty] txa y vkjS  tehu d s fcuk çdf` r v/kjw h g%S     xaHkhj leL;k ls dkQh xzflr Fks] muesa dkQh lq/kkj   lek/kku ektS nw  gAS  vxj çR;ds  n's k dk ukxfjd viu s  wisdom and philosophy.” CMS, realizing the vast   Sharma, Divya Gautam, Neha Saroj, Ritika Tiwari, Srishti
    ;kstuk 'kq: dh gS] ftldk mís'; o"kZ 2030 rd   çdf` r d s rhu çe[q k rRo g S & ty] txa y vkjS  tehu]       dk s fo'o ukxfjd ekudj bl I;kjh iF` oh dk s cpku s d s  importance of music, has appointed well-trained music   Pandey, Udisha Tiwari, Heravi  Grade 5  Oswin Moses, Prarthana Sahu, Noora Enayati,
    vf/kd laiUu] vf/kd lerkoknh vkSj vf/kd lajf{kr   ftud s fcuk çdf` r v/kjw h g S vkjS  foMca uk ;g g S fd çdf` r   vk;kA ,d vksj tgka gok lkQ gqbZa rks ogha nwljh vksj   fy, viuk ;kxs nku nus  s yx tk; s rk s og fnu njw  ugh a  teachers to teach music and bring out the best talents to the   Naintara  Bhatia,  Bhanvi  Srivastava,  Utkarsh
    fo'o dh jpuk djuk gSA gekjs ç/kkuea=h th dk dguk   d s bu rhuk as gh rRok as dk bl dnj nkgs u fd;k tk jgk g S  ufn;ksa dk ikuh vkSj vkleku Hkh lkQ gks x;kA dbZ   tcfd  gekjh  iF` oh  ,d  ckj  fQj  l s gjh&Hkjh  vkjS    fore. Mr Sachin Dwivedi is the Music Coordinator for Indian   Performance Grade 5­Divya Gautam, Neda   Srivastava
                                                                          ,ssls i{kh fn[kus yxs] ftUgsa ge yksxksa us foyqIr lk eku
    gS fd Þ,tsaMk 2030 ds ihNs dh gekjh lksp ftruh   fd çdf` r dk lra yq u fcxMu+  syxk gAS  çkdf` rd lla k/kuk as  çkdf` rd lla k/kuk asl sHkjijw  gk stk;xs hA   Music while Western Music training is carried out in the   Mosallanezhad, Achyutam Agarwal, Oswin Moses,   Grade 3  Divyanshi  Patel,  Anshika  Mishra,  Arayana,
    Å¡ph gS gekjs y{; Hkh mrus gh lexz gSaA buesa mu   d s v/a kk/k/aq k nkgs u vkjS  çdf` r l s f[kyokM + dk urhtk g S  fy;k FkkA ;gh ugha lM+dkas ij lUukVk Nkus ds dkj.k   &t; txr~&  guidance of Mr Shamim Sheikh Movahhed, Ms Jinuous   Mohammad Mansour Lotfi. Heravi, Aditya Yash, Atharv   Mehrukh Waseem, Anunay Narayan Trivedi
    leL;kvksa dks çkFkfedrk nh xbZ gS] tks fiNys dbZ   fd i;koZ; lra yq u fcxMu+  s d s dkj.k eu"q ;k as d s  dbZ txgksa ij taxyh tkuoj rd lM+dksa ij ?kweus   Yegan and Mr Suresh Babu Mungara. In the case of Western   Mohan, Bhanvi Srivastava, Noora Enayati, Utkarsh         13 students in Grade 2
                                                                                                                                                    music, the best facilities are provided to learn music –vocal   Srivastava, Prarthana Shahu           81 students in Grade 1
                                      Message from the Founder Director, Dr Bharti Gandhi                                                           and instrumental –violin, guitar, synthesizer, drums etc. The   Performance Grade 4­ Pendar Sheikhmovahhed, Anshika      194 students in Prep/Initial Grade.
                 Dear Parents,                                                                                                                      ABRSM Exams are taken by both teachers and students to   Rani, Noora Enayati, Prarthana Shahu, Vidushi Mishra  “For the last hour
                                                                                                                                                    develop their musical and creative abilities and prepare
                 The  summer  break  offers   and  respect  by  involving  them  in  service   personal example. These virtues serve as   The Family as the Foundation of Society: The   them for higher challenges in this field.  ABRSM (Associated   Performance Grade 3­ Dhanya Pandey, Vidushi Mishra,   To joy belongs
                 us a precious opportunity   projects such as literacy programs for the   the bedrock of a good character.  family is a fundamental unit of society, and   Board of the Royal Schools of Music) is the UK’s largest   Manshid Farokhnejad, Divyanshi Patel, Disha Shraddha,   The steadfast perish
                 to  reconnect  with  our   underprivileged,  JYEP  groups  in  your   Household  Management  and  Education:   parents share a common responsibility with   music education body and the world’s leading provider of   Srishti Mall, Mehnrukh Waseem, Arayana, Anishka   But not the songs.”
                 children,  nurture  their   communities, environmental projects, and   Involve  your  children  in  household   every member of the community for the well-  music exams, offering assessments to over 650,000   Mishra, Anunay Narayan Trivedi  ­The Stream's Song by Lascelles Abercrombie
                 characters,  and  lead  by   other  activities  that  contribute  to  their   management  through  simple  tasks  like   being of all youngsters. Remember, love and   candidates in over 93 countries every year.   23 students in Grade 2
     Dr Bharti Gandhi  example  through  loving   character development.  cooking,  cleaning,  fixing  and  organizing.   kindness  have  far  greater  influence  than                            113 students in Grade 1
     Founder-Director, CMS
                 counsel.  Your  role  as   Instilling  Values  and  Moral  Guidance:   These activities teach responsibility and the   punishment in improving human character.   INDIAN MUSIC
    parents  is  indispensable  in  this  most   Regardless of your educational background,   value of hard work and can be both fun and   Positive reinforcement and encouragement
    important duty.                    your  role  in  the  spiritual  and  moral   educational, providing practical life skills.  can  significantly  nurture  your  child's  self-
    Education Beyond Academic Subjects: Like   development  of  your  children  is  crucial.   Sports,  Skills,  and  Arts:  Motivate  your   esteem and moral development.
    scientists  and  explorers,  encourage  your   Engage in meaningful conversations to help   children  to  engage  actively  in  summer   Dear parents, embrace these opportunities
    children to investigate, discover, and learn   them cope with the constant demands of   camps, play with their friends, and learn new   to guide, educate, and nurture our precious
    about the various mysteries of the universe   media and the complexities of life. Teach   sports or skills such as swimming, cycling,   children.  Your  influence  as  parents  is
    through the diverse branches of knowledge   them  the  values  of  constancy,   and more. Encourage them to draw, color,   profound  and  far-reaching.  Together,  we
    beyond their school curriculum.    perseverance,  strength,  determination,   paint, and learn how to sew, knit, and make   can help each child become the light of the
    Service  Opportunities:  Provide  them  with   and firmness of purpose through stories,   rotis.  These  activities  enhance  their   world  for  a  brighter,  hopeful,  and  better
    opportunities to practice kindness, honesty,   reliable  role  models,  and  by  setting  a   creativity and skill set.  tomorrow.

       Meritorious Students Felicitated                                                                                                               Musical contest at Celesta International with Mr Mukesh on the tabla  When tabla and harmonium come together, the effect is terrific  Our sitarists at a training session

    A grand Meritorious Students Felicitation                                                                 toppers namely, Kanishka Mittal, Sariya   “Sound when stretched is music. Movement when   season or the time of day. Some of these ragas are so   nuances of Hindustani music and culture. Many of our
    Function was organised at CMS Gomti                                                                       Khan and Archita Singh, who had secured   stretched is dance. Mind when stretched is meditation.   powerful that they even cause changes in the natural   mellifluous singers have passed tough examinations in
    Nagar Extension auditorium on 7th May                                                                     99.75% in the ISC Boards and the mother   Life when stretched is a celebration.”     order of things. Tansen was the court singer in Akbar’s   music like ‘Visharad’ and ‘Nipun’ from Prayag Sangeet
    after the declaration of the ISC and ICSE                                                                 of ICSE Topper, Chandransh Rai, who had                          —Pandit Ravi Shankar  reign and his singing was so mesmerizing and so deep   Samiti and Bhatkhande University. Below are some of
    Board Examinations on 7th May. On this                                                                    secured 99.8% marks in the ICSE Boards.   Indian music celebrates life in all its diversities. There are   that it could cause the earthen lamps to light up or the   our brilliant students, who under their respective
    occasion, the Chief Guest, Shri Durga                                                                     The mothers were weighed in fruits and   ragas for every season, every time of the day. These   ice to melt with its warmth. CMS has well-qualified and   teachers have excelled in Indian classical music in the
    Shanker Mishra, IAS, Chief Secretary, UP.                                                                 flowers while their fathers were draped in   ragas have well-defined notes to infuse new life into the   experienced music teachers to guide the students in the   past two years:
    honoured and felicitated the most                                                                         Shawls of Honour.
    outstanding 3791 CMS students who                                                                         Earlier, in the morning, these students   Dr Jayashree Chatterjee of CMS Aliganj Campus I  Ms Sarita Mishra of CMS Aliganj Campus II  Mr Amit Malik of CMS Rajajipuram Campus III
    secured 90 to 99.80% marks in these                                                                       took out a Victory March from          Naina Yadav (VIII), Gajal Yadav (VII), Gauri Kishor (VIII),   Shreya Srivastava (VIII), Anvika Jain (VII), Anushka   Anshika (VI), Adrika (V), Samriddhi (IV), Shipra Kundu
                                         Honouring of the parents of Chandransh Rai of CMS  A view of the Victory March taken out by                 Nishtha Upadhyay (V)                          Srivastaval (VII), Angel (VII), Aviral (VI), Arnav Pandey   (IV), Himanshu (V), Anvi (VI).
    examinations. The main attraction of the   Mahanagar Campus who has secured   CMS students to celebrate their achievement in  Maqdoompur Police Station to CMS
    ceremony was the honouring of the     99.80% marks in ICSE Board Examination-2024  the ICSE & ISC Board Examination-2024  Gomti Nagar Campus II auditorium.  Mr Rishi Sahai of CMS Aliganj Campus I  (VII), Vachi Srivastava (IV), Abhay Srivastava (VI)  Music Teachers of Kanpur Road Campus
    mothers of the three ISC (Class XII)                                                                                                             Shail Singh (VI), Vedika Singh (VI), Medha Tripathi (VII),   Mrs Laxmi Mishra of CMS Aliganj Campus II  Sarthak Kumar Maurya (VII), Ananya Sachan (IX), Virat
                                                                                                                                                     Aditri Shukla (VII), Nitya Vats (VII), Arnav Singh (VII)  Aditi Srivastava (X), Unnati Srivastava (VII), Nitya (VI),   Singhal (VII), Daksh Sahai (IX), Samriddhi Srivastava ()IX)
       170 CMS students clear JEE Mains                                                                                                              Mrs Alpana Mehrotra of CMS Indira Nagar Campus  Anvi Mishra (IX), Mishika Tripathi (IX), Vanya Sivastava   Aurijeet Ghosh (VII), Anvi Tiwari (IX) Divya Srivastava
                                                                                                                                                     Kriti Negi (VI), Aarav Gangwar (V), Tanmay Upadhyay (IV),   (IX) Dikshite Srivastava (XI), Divyansh Kesarwani (IV),   (VII), Amitesh Srivastav (XI), Prashasti Srivastava (IX),
       26 students secure above 99th percentile                                                                                                      Kartik Rastogi (III), Yash Rai (IV), Shashwat Singh (VII),   Riddhi Yadav (IX).              Ipshita Singh (IX), Annwita Jaiswal (VIII), Abhipray
                                                                                                                                                     Shreyas Singh (III), Kaustubh Ram Tripathi (IV)  Ms Diganta Saikia, CMS Gomti Nagar Extension  Tripathi (XI), Atharv Tiwari (VIII), Aadya Srivastava (VIII)
    A record number of 170 CMS students   congratulations to the successful                                                                          Mr Sudhir Kumar Sharma of Rajendra Nagar Campus I  Ayush Singh (VIII), Malay Tripathi (VIII), Adwita Singh (VII),   Mrs Sangeeta Mishra of CMS Mahanagar Campus
    have cleared the JEE Mains exam, to now   candidates, wishing them a very bright                                                                 Varya Kohli (IX), Urvi Kohli (VI), Prabhjot Singh (VIII),   Atharv Singh (V), Payoj Srivastava (IV), Advik Agarwal (V),   Medhaansh Anand (IV), Nilaksh Anand (III), Stuti (III),
    appear for JEE Advanced. In another   future. While 181 CMS students have                                                                        Avishka Jain (VII), Agrima Kaushal (VIII), Tejaswani Gupta   Raghav Chaudhury (VIII), Pratyush Kumar (VIII), Sobhit   Shrestha Srivastava  (IX), Medhaansh Anand (V) Nilaksh
    extraordinary feat, 26 of these students   secured above the 90th percentile, on the                                                             (X) Maitri Awasthi (VIII), Madhavi Yadav (XI), Jigyasa   Jaiswal (VI), Ahaana Pandey (VIII), Vania Upadhyay (VII),   Anand (IV), Medhaansh Anand (VI), Nilaksh Anand (V),
    secured marks above the 99th percentile.   basis of the cut-off marks for different                                                              Gulati (VII), Lovepreet Kaur (VIII), Dhruvi Mishra (VI),   Amar Jasra (II), Arnar Singh (VIII) Prakhar Tripathi (VIII),   Stuti (IV), Abhirukh (IX), Kaniksh (VII) Aviral Pratap Singh (VI)
    Underlining the exceptional performance   groups, 170 CMS students will be eligible to   Shreyansh   Yasharth   Abhisaar   Anikesh   Arnav       Aradhya Pandey (VII), Anushka Bajpai (IX)     Anantesh Tyagi (VII), Anshul Gupta (VIII)
    of students, CMS Manager, Prof. Geeta   sit in the JEE Advanced examinations.  Chaturvedi  Kanpur Road  Rajajipuram I  Gomti Nagar I  Mahanagar
    Gandhi Kingdon, extended her heartfelt                                      99.89%       99.73%        99.73%       99.72%        99.71%
                                                                                                                                                            Summer              Summer Camps Resound with Fun and Laughter

        Parth       Gaurav      Akshita      Krinjal      Mayank      Aaditya      Anant       Pradumn     Madhuram      Shivesh   Amogh Anant
       Agarwal      Gupta        Singh        Singh      Pandey       Saxena       Shukla       Singh        Vatsal      Pandey     Mahanagar
     Gomti Nagar I  Gomti Nagar I  Gomti Nagar I  Gomti Nagar I  Mahanagar  Kanpur Road  Aliganj  Mahanagar  Gomti Nagar I  Kanpur Road  99.50%
       99.66%       99.65%       99.64%      99.63%       99.61%      99.61%       99.58%       99.58%      99.58%       99.56%

          Anant Tripathi  Vaibhava Verma Aryan Srivastava  Ayush Singh  Mohd. Anas   Krishna Agarwal  Yash Saxena  Pranam Goyal   Yatharth Vansh   Daksh Gogna
          Rajendra Nagar I  Kanpur Road  Gomti Nagar I  Aliganj I  Ali Usmani  Rajendra Nagar I  Rajendra Nagar I  Station Road  Rajendra Nagar I  Mahanagar
             99.49%       99.45%       99.43%       99.33%     Mahanagar     99.18%       99.17%       99.10%       99.10%       99.07%

                             'By Thy grace I am, at all times, ready to serve Thee and am rid of all attachment to any one except Thee.'   —Bahá’u’lláh   'The source of all learning is the knowledge of God, exalted be His Glory, and this cannot be attained save through the knowledge of His Divine Manifestation.'   —Bahá’u’lláh
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