Personality Development

CMS creates a better future for all children by maximising
their opportunities through quality education and initiatives for unity and development.

July 2018

30 International Events organised by CMS for World Unity and World Peace

International Youth Convention on Commerce and Economics (IYCCE)

“But the age of chivalry is gone; that of sophisters, economists, and calculators has succeeded…” said Edmund Burke in 1793. With the growth of trade and commerce and development of faster means of communication, the power revolves around business and industry today. CMS Station Road Campus organizes the International Youth Convention on Commerce and Economics with a plethora of exciting contests for junior and senior students preparing them to meet the challenges of modern industry and enterprise. The aim is to encourage corporate social responsibility and build leadership qualities in students. Experts from the fields of commerce and economics deliver enlightening speeches for the student participants. Principal, Mrs Vera Hajela (convenor) leaves no stone unturned to make the event a runaway success. The next IYCCE is scheduled to be held from 1 to 4 November 2019.

Geofest International-an international event of Geography

Geographical knowledge cannot be studied only from textbooks. It needs a lot of practical works, awareness of one's environment and surroundings and the desire to go out and experience the world as it is. Today, we have global warming and climate change threatening the very existence of human life on earth. Many of the natural disasters like floods and famines are the result of poor geographical knowledge. To encourage students think about the protection of the earth and plan future efforts to preserve life on earth by sustainable development, last year, CMS Rajajipuram Campus II organized Geofest International under the meticulous guidance of Principal Mrs Aruna Naidu, armed with an array of exciting debates, collages, model making and other exciting contests. The next Geofest will be held from 8 to 11 November 2019.

International Innovation Day (IID)

CMS Jopling Road has taken up Dr APJ Abdul Kalam’s vision to make India a developed nation in the near future and to follow his dictum, “It is a crime to have a low aim.” Every year, the Campus organizes the International Innovation Day to promote young scientific vision and encourage innovations and inventions among the youth and students. The various competitions organized for students of different age-groups include Essay Writing, Art, Calligraphy, Calligram, Photography, Portrait drawing, Cartoon Contest, Collage Making, Slogan writing and Poster Making Competitions. Principal Mrs Manju Nautiyal convened this event. This year this event is scheduled on 22 November 2018.

World Peace Festival “Confluence”

Under the able guidance of Principal, Mrs Ruchi Bhuwan Joshi, CMS Indira Nagar organizes the World Peace Festival “Confluence”. The contests are open for juniors and seniors and the students from India and abroad enthusiastically participate in it. CMS Indira Nagar organizes this festival every year keeping in mind the agenda of the United Nations for peace keeping, prevention of conflicts and human welfare. It spreads waves of peace and unity in the farthest corners of the world. The next Confluence will be held from 4 to 7 December 2019.

Peace Education at CMS has impacted the lives of people in Lucknow to such on extent the no riots take place and no untoward incidents in the name of religion occur even when other parts of the country are on the boil.

International Conference of Chief Justices of the World (ICCJW)

CMS has been organizing International Conference of Chief Justices and Judges of the World on Article 51 of the Constitution of India for the past several years. The 19th ICCJW is scheduled from 14 to 20 November 2018 at the World Unity Convention Centre, CMS Kanpur Road, Lucknow. CMS Founder Dr Jagdish Gandhi is the Convener of this World Judiciary Meet. Mahatma Gandhi said "A day will come when the world will approach India in its quests for peace and India will become the light of the world.” Perhaps the time has come for India to unite the world by calling a meeting of world leaders to form a World Parliament and World Court of Justice, a World Government and one World Currency so that humanity may unite under Enforceable World Law and peace may reign supreme. The prophecy of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru may come true- "Either the world will unite or it will perish." Uptil now over 1002 eminent Heads of State Chief Justices and Judges from 125 countries have attended this conference. CMS students get a chance to interact with the Chief Justices and Judges at the Conference and ask them questions about World Law.

International Competition for Science, Mathematics, Mental Ability and Electronics ‘Quanta’

CMS Chowk Campus started Quanta Science Festival in the year 1995. The 23rd Quanta will be organized from 24 to 27 November 2018, loaded with a rich crop of events that educate as well as entertain. The students participate with much enjoyment to compete in stiff competitions from Indian and western schools. The special thing about Quanta Science Festival is the active participation of students from the widest range of countries and the continents. Derived from the word 'Quantum' in physics vocabulary, the popularity of Quanta Science Fest can be gauged from the fact that it is the only international school event on which a question was put up at the Indian Civil Services Examination!

International Youth Festival & Competitions

Students and youth represent the most powerful segment of society and it is they who can lead the world to a better tomorrow. CMS Rajendra Nagar Campus II seeks to tap the immense potential of youth energy cross the world by organizing this International Youth Festival. It has exciting competitions like painting and poster contest, collage making, zoom in (photography), Creative Love (Greetings Card Contest) and Judgment of Imagination Poetry Contest. The festival brings the ideas of students and youth on a common platform and gives expression to their talents in a creative way.

International Convention on Students Quality Control Circles ‘ICSQCC’

Quality in education needs total commitment and dedication both on the part of the tutor and the taught. Under Dr Vineeta Kamran's dynamic leadership, the concept of Students' Quality Control Circles has spread worldwide. Inspired by the Japanese KAIZEN philosophy of continuous improvement, CMS organizes International Convention on Students Quality Control Circles, the next one being scheduled from 26 November to 1 December 2019. A galaxy of experts and scholars as well as student teams come to Lucknow for participation. Dr Jagdish Gandhi, Founder, CMS is the Chairman of the World Council for Total Quality and Excellence in Education.