
Convenor, Principal

Dear Principals of eminent schools/colleges of the world,

Greetings and Best Wishes from CMS.

Our institution City Montessori School (CMS), Lucknow, India is a Guinness Book Record Holder and a recipient of the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education 2002. Our school philosophy rotates around the twin poles of Godliness and Globalism.

Since its inception in 1959, CMS has been stressing upon its students to imbibe the spirit of World Peace and World Unity in accordance with its motto of Jai Jagat (Glory be to the World). City Montessori School regards the whole of mankind as one family according to the Indian Philosophy of Vasudhaiv Kutumbhkam (the whole earth is but one family). It has been therefore educating its students to regard themselves as citizens of the world.

City Montessori School, Rajajipuram Campus II is organizing the 5th International Youth Festival with the aim of uniting the children of the world by encouraging mutual interaction through various competitions that bring them together on a global platform. We are set to engage the young minds in some exciting events that test wit along with oodles of fun. We believe that the youth have the potential to change the world and their participation in the festival will encourage them to build global understanding and unity. This understanding prepares them to be leaders of tomorrow who will strive for permanent peace.

The CMS family cordially invites you to be a part of the 5th International Youth Festival which is going to be organized from 3rd December 2022 to 7th December 2022. The small event of five days is going to go a long way in providing inter-connectivity and interactivity within today's global information village.

I request each one of you once again to be a part of this event.

With kind regards

Mrs. Anupama Checker

Convenor, International Youth Festival &
Principal, CMS Rajajipuram Campus II, Lucknow


Dr Jagdish Gandhi & Dr Bharti Gandhi

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Contact Us

Mrs Anupama Checker

Convenor, International Youth Festival & Principal
City Montessori School, Rajajipuram Campus II
Sector C-1889, Rajajipuram, Lucknow-226017
Uttar Pradesh, India