Special Note for Team Leaders

  1. Kindly go through the brochure thoroughly and check the spellings of the names of the participants before filling up the registration form for MATHELETICS-1st International Competition for Math prates-2023.
  2. On reaching the venue, the teams must report to the CONTROL ROOM, within an hour and get themselves registered. All the documents & departure schedule has to be submitted in the CONTROL ROOM at the time of registration.
  3. The team members, along with their leader, will not be allowed to meet any friends or relatives during their stay.
  4. Neither the participants nor the team leader will be permitted to stay in their rooms during the events.
  5. Team leaders must assemble with their teams in the auditorium sharp at 8:00 am for the Prayer Assembly every day.
  6. The key of the room should be deposited at the reception every day before leaving for breakfast. (for cleaning the room)
  7. All the team leaders/members are requested to lock your bags before leaving the room and not to leave any valuable thing like money, mobile etc. in your room.
  8. Participants will wear full school uniform at all times during the competition. They must wear their identity badges throughout the day except during the competition.
  9. Kindly send your Registration form at the earliest, as the rooms will be allotted on FIRST COME FIRST SERVE basis.
  10. No teams will be registered over phone. Kindly make sure that the Registration form reaches the Convenor latest by 30th September, 2023. You may inform us over phone/via email.
  11. Kindly mention your correct email ID so that necessary details may be sent to you.
  12. For security reasons, the organizer will not be in a position to allow visitors, individual trips to the city or any such venture which requires the team/members to leave the premises of the venue. Kindly do not approach the authorities to seek permission for the same.
  13. Team leaders must take care of the belongings of the team members.
  14. Team leaders will be personally responsible for the conduct of the team members. Any breach of discipline or violation of rules and regulations may lead to disqualification of the team.
  15. If need arises the organizer decision will be final and binding on all.
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