Sessions 2022-23

Open Day Celebration at CMS Anand Nagar Campus

CMS Anand Nagar Campus organized Open Day celebrations for the students of the pre-primary section on 25th February with great fanfare on its beautifully decorated premises. CMS Founder Dr Jagdish Gandhi inaugurated the function by lighting the lamp of learning. On this occasion, the talents of students were clearly reflected in their Art & Craft presentations, songs and dance, English speaking, sports, computer, etc. The parents were overwhelmed seeing the skills of their children. They also enthusiastically observed the CMS teaching-learning process and got acquainted with the unique 'Broader and Bolder Education' methodology of CMS.

Open Day

World Water Day

World Water Day is celebrated on March 22 every year to highlight the importance of fresh water. The tradition has continued since 1993. According to the United Nations website, more than 2.2 billion people live without the access to safe water. This year the day is highlighting the global water crisis and aims to support achieving Sustainable Water and Sanitation for all by 2030.

Pre-Primary Section: On 22nd of March 2022 World Water Day was celebrated in the Pre-Primary Section of City Montessori School, Anand Nagar Campus by teaching the students the importance of water conservation in water-scant countries in the world.

Primary Section: Teachers spoke to the children on daily attitudes and practices that contribute to saving water. Various art and craft activities related to ‘Save Water’ were also conducted with students on the importance of good hygiene, sanitation and conservation of water.

World Water Day was celebrated in the Primary Section today. Students were told about the importance of water and the need to save it. Teachers spoke to the children on daily practices on our behalf that helps in saving water. Various activities related to Save Water were also conducted and discussions were also held in the class.

Water Day

Water Day

Water Day

Water Day

Vidya Ka Parv

Children are even as a branch that is fresh and green; they will grow up in whatever way you train them. Take the utmost care to give them high ideals and goals, so that once they come of age, they will cast their beams like brilliant candles on the world, and will not be defiled by lusts and passions in the way of animals, heedless and unaware, but instead will set their hearts on achieving everlasting honour and acquiring all the excellences of humankind.

Keeping the above idea at the centre of our campuses vision we organised a special assembly to celebrate ‘Vidya ka Parv’ on the first day of session, 30th March 2022, at Pre-Primary section of CMS, Anand Nagar Campus.

The special assembly started with the school prayer and was followed by pledge, motto, mission, thought, virtue and rhymes. Children also enjoyed fun games like basketball, ball balancing and musical chair.

Vidya Ka Parv

Vidya Ka Parv

Vidya Ka Parv

Vidya Ka Parv


Pre-Primary Section: The children of the Pre-Primary section of City Montessori School, Anand Nagar was sensitized about environment friendly practices to celebrate Earth Day. They were made aware of their responsibility to take care of our planet. For creating awareness teachers told them about saving water, reducing pollution, protecting the wildlife, plants and trees, recycling waste, not to use plastic bags, saving electricity when not in use, to save our earth.

Primary Section: Earth Day was celebrated with lot of enthusiasm in the Primary Section today. Children were made aware of problems that our Mother Earth is facing today and what steps should be taken by us to stop the further damage. A short skit was also shown to the children. Various activities like poster making, colouring activities, art and craft, slogan making and plantation of saplings were conducted in various classes to celebrate Earth Day and make children global citizens of the world. It was a fun filled day!

Junior Section: The day began with the entire Junior section visiting 'The Government Garden' to explore the flora and fauna and to observe Nature closely. The whole school, whether it was the students, support staff, teachers, or helpers took part in this endeavour and initiative. Each one of them took a pledge to save Mother Earth by doing simple doable actions.

With a motive to inculcate students with values of Conservation, respecting Nature, being mindful of disposing the waste, and encouraging them to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, the visit to the Government Garden proved to be a great success. Students also put up a beautiful skit on saving and conserving mother earth. They pleaded to save earth by taking small steps. Students also decorated the corridor area in the school premises by placing potted plants. They promised to take care and nurture the plants they have placed. Our continuing effort in our daily life will definitely make this beautiful planet thrive. With the aim to educate and inspire future leaders to embody the behavioural changes the world needs, SDG 13-Climate Action and SDG 15-Life on Land were also incorporated in the activity.

Senior Section: A special assembly was conducted by Class 10 on World Earth Day. Today on 22nd April, we celebrate the Earth Day. It is honoured all across the globe in order to take action and raise awareness regarding the climate crisis and bring about behavioural change to protect the environment. Earth Day should encourage us to reflect on what we are doing to make our planet a more sustainable and liveable place. The assembly began with a prayer to invoke God's blessings after which the pledge was conducted. This was followed by a short video on 'Investing on our Mother Planet'. The Class presented an impactful activity concerning the issues of today and preventions for the same to be restored by the unborn eyes. But the glam of today was focusing on "Sustainable Development Goals" and "6 Cs of Education" adopted by United Nations. We related the devastating conditions of today to the SDGs and planned a crisp quiz on it. The response by the students was immensely astounding and eye-popping. Our aim today was not just to say merely words but rather present them in actions, which we successfully achieved and will continue to do so in future for a SAFE LIVING. It was indeed a wholesome assembly to witness.

Earth Day

Earth Day

Earth Day

Earth Day

Earth Day

Earth Day


Pre-Primary Section: The World Malaria Day was commemorated at City Montessori School, Anand Nagar Campus on Monday 25th April, 2022 in the Pre-Primary Section. The special assembly was conducted by the teachers of the Pre-Primary Wing suggesting the remedies to end Malaria, a dangerous disease. They threw light on many ways to overcome Malaria by showing them real objects like mosquito repellent, mosquito spray, stickers, mosquito net etc.

Primary Section: World Malaria Day was celebrated with lot of enthusiasm in the Primary Section. Various activities were conducted to make the children aware of Malaria, its causes and how to prevent it from spreading by taking simple preventive measures. Video was shown and discussions were held in the classes. Poster making activity on precautionary measures to prevent malaria was also taken up. Enactment by kids were done to make us aware of measures / objects to be used to save ourselves from Malaria. A child dressed up as a mosquito was trying to bite and the other child used a repellent /Mosquito net to save himself from mosquito. The children enjoyed the enactment and enthusiastically participated.