
World Telivision Day

World Television Day was celebrated in the Assembly where the children were told about the importance of television as a great entertainment box. Children were shown the real television, the characters and channels broadcasted on the television by the teachers using real objects and props. The children were given chance to speak few sentences on television.

World Telivision Day

World Telivision Day

World Telivision Day

Saturday Activities

Primary Section:

The day started with House meetings and many points like winter uniform, offline attendance, 6cs of Education, Offline Assessments and Khan Academy were discussed in the House meetings today. Students actively participated in various Hobby classes. Students of class 2 learnt to make paper flowers and fancy envelopes. Students of class 1 showcased their talent by painting stones. The Eco club students showed their creativity by making beautiful piggy banks out of waste material. Students also had fun. It helped to enhance their creativity.

Saturday Activities

Saturday Activities

Saturday Activities

Saturday Activities

Saturday Activities

Junior/Senior Section


On 20 November, 2021, an online Hobby class was conducted wherein a puzzle-based video was initially shared to energize the students.

Questions based on logical reasoning were discussed. Students enthusiastically participated and solved various questions. The teacher shared the screen to explain the logic behind the questions and their solutions.

12 students from class 6 to 8 participated in this hobby class.


Human-driven and natural loss of trees, also called deforestation, affects wildlife, ecosystems, weather patterns, and even the climate.

In order to address this concern, students of City Montessori School, Anand Nagar Campus held out a rally on 20th November, 2021 to create awareness on protection of environment for future generations, led by respected Principal, Ms. Reena Soti.

Saturday Activities

Saturday Activities

Saturday Activities

Around 20 nature enthusiasts, from the Junior and senior section took part in the rally which marched from the school campus to the Government Garden, shouting slogans of ' Save Trees, Go Green' and many more. They held placards that carried messages on the protection of the environment, biodiversity and issues that are affecting the environment.

The visit to the Government Garden involved students not only getting acquainted with the flora and fauna but also educating the local people about the importance of biodiversity and horrors of deforestation.

Saturday Activities

Saturday Report

Pre-Primary Section:-

Spoken English sessions on the topic ‘Introduction to Nouns’ was conducted during Mothers club.

Primary Section:-

It was an eventful day for the Primary Section today. The day started with House meetings and many points like winter uniform, offline attendance. 6cs of Education, Mothers Dance hobby club, Khan Academy were discussed in the House meeting today. Students actively participated in various Hobby classes today. In classes 1 and 2 students learnt to make origami fish. Students learnt the art of Calligraphy. In the Eco club students made beautiful cards. Students also had fun in Hands on Maths activity.

Junior Section:-

Eco Club Hobby (Poster Making on the theme 'Save Trees') on 13th November, 2021.

Being eco-friendly is a way of life. Thankfully, there are many ways to increase the sustainability of many items, activities, and needs. There are responsible and irresponsible ways of doing everything, but awareness is the key. If you have a hobby that brings you peace, happiness and is environmentally conscious, it just means you are taking some extra steps in ensuring your hobby is eco-friendly.

In order to spread awareness among people about horrors of deforestation, Eco Club members made posters today on the theme ' Save Trees'. Students were enthusiastic about the activity and took great interest in making posters and writing slogans. 17 students participated in the activity. The activity aimed to develop future ready leaders who can take charge to educate and spread awareness about horrors of cutting down of trees.

Saturday Report

Saturday Report

Frlicitation Ceremony 2021

CMS, Anand Nagar, with immense joy organised a Felicitation Ceremony for the meritorious students of the campus who have excelled in the path of learning and growth.

The ceremony progressed to the honouring of the meritorious students. First were the senior students of Class XI, who performed majestically in their ICSE Board examinations. The rest of the rank holders were honoured by the mother of Ayushi Srivastava, she was bestowed with the opportunity to honour all the other students who did well in their exams just like her daughter.

The ceremony then proceeded to the honouring of students from all different sections respectively. Each mother was entitled for their contribution in their child’s achievement, they were given titles such as Mother of Glory, Mother of Dignity and Mother of Excellence and so on. The parents were greatly overjoyed seeing their children on stage and being applauded for their hard work. There was joy and smiles everywhere.

Frlicitation Ceremony 2021

Frlicitation Ceremony 2021

Green Color Day

In order to emphasize the importance of green colour, City Montessori School, Anand Nagar Campus conducted Green colour day for the Pre-Primary children on 11th November, 2021. All the students came dressed in different shades of green, they also carried and spoke about their favourite green colour object. Teachers also joined the celebration by wearing green colour dress and conducted the Special Assembly.

Green Day

Green Day

Also, different activities were conducted in the class:

Montessori: Leaf Colouring

Kindergarten: Leaf Colouring

Green Day

Nursery: Palm Printing

Green Day

Childrens' Day

Childrens' Day is celebrated across India to increase awareness about the rights, education, and welfare of children. It is celebrated on 14th November every year on the birthday of the First Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Known as 'Chacha Nehru' among children, Nehru advocated for children to have all-rounded education that would build a better society in the future. Nehru considered children as real strength of a nation and foundation of society.

Childrens’ Day was celebrated at CMS, Anand Nagar Campus with joyous and fun activities on 15th of November, 2021. Here is a glimpse of the day:

Pre-Primary Section:

Childrens' Day was celebrated at CMS, Anand Nagar with zeal and enthusiasm. Celebrations began with prayer, dance and tributes to Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Children were told to dress up in their favourite attire and carry their favourite food item. Various games were conducted for the little ones. Teachers and children danced on few songs to make the day memorable. A small token of love was given to them. Overall, it was a fun filled day for all the children.

Childrens' Day

Childrens' Day

Primary, Junior and Senior:

Childrens' day was celebrated with great enthusiasm in the Primary Section today. Students not only participated in different races but also had a gala time in the class where they enjoyed various activities like fun games, musical chair and mimicry.

What's the good word? and a note for my friend were also some of the other games played by the students. Race amongst teachers was also held. Both the teachers and the students enjoyed it.

Childrens' Day

Childrens' Day

Childrens' Day

Generation Global Video Conference

Our students participated in the Generation Global Video Conference on 27th October, 2021 themed, 'The Rights of Women and Girls' to share a dialogue and enrich their understanding by indulging in a progressive investigation of the theme. The Video Conference was felicitated by fellow participants from schools across India, Colombia and Indonesia.

Video Conference

Saturday Activities

Pre-Primary Section:-

MOTHERS' CLUB - The Mothers' club aims at being more a confident and supportive mother. Encouraging positive parenting in mother. Being more responsible in boosting energy level of their children. The two clubs for mothers are being arranged regularly at our campus.

Spoken English Session for mothers:

Objective ‐ To make our dear comfortable and confident with the usage of English in daily conversation.

Saturday Activity

Zumba Session for mothers:

Objective ‐ To conduct live Zumba session for mothers to teach them new Zumba-aerobic steps for boosting up their health and mood.

Zumba session makes the workout a fun activity. Also, the Zumba exercises improve the blood circulation for a healthier heart and mind.

Saturday Activity

Primary Section:

What an exciting day for the Primary Section today! The day began with the House meetings. Many points related to Diwali holidays, winter uniform, Model Class Presentation and various other points were discussed with the children. In the Hobby class, interesting activities were taken up in various classes. In classes 1 and 2 palm drawing, cartoon making and lanterns were taken. Children actively participated in these activities. Students of classes 3 to 5 made anti cracker posters in Eco club, showing their contribution towards the environment. In the other Hobby club, hands on Mathematics activity was conducted which was enjoyed by the students. Finally in mother's Hobby club, art and craft was taken up. Mothers learnt to make paper basket.

Saturday Activity

Saturday Activity

Saturday Activity

Senior Section:

IT SKILLS AND REASONING CLUB: On 30th October, 2021, Online Hobby classes were conducted wherein two brainstorming and puzzle-based videos were initially shared to energize the students.

Questions based on figures and coding-decoding, were discussed. Students enthusiastically participated and solved various questions. The teacher shared her screen to explain the logic behind various questions. 20 students from class 6 to 8 participated in this hobby class.

ECO CLUB HOBBY: On the auspicious occasion of Diwali, the Eco Club conducted an Online session for the Junior section of the school to enlighten students about the harmful effects of bursting crackers. Diwali is the biggest festival of India and its sanctity should not be blown away in smoke. This festival of goodwill can be celebrated in a number of ways other than just bursting firecrackers.

Saturday Activity

Let each one of us take a pledge THIS DIWALI to "SAY NO TO CRACKERS" and invest in a safer and greener future. Diwali is the festival of lights and we must enlighten our lives with the sparkle of joy and goodwill, forget past grievances and look ahead towards a brighter and happier future. Students made beautiful posters and wrote slogans to make people aware about the harms of bursting crackers. 9 students participated in the hobby class and shared their posters and slogans during the session. They were extremely enthusiastic and full of zeal throughout the hobby class.

ART AND CRAFT CLUB: On 30th October, 2021, Online Hobby classes were conducted for students of grades 6,7 and 8. Festive season fills our lives with new positivity and so does Diwali, the festival of lights. The students made beautiful decor items for their homes like lanterns and colourful diyas using craft papers. They also decorated ‘earthen diyas’ by painting them. They were shown a tutorial video to facilitate the crafting session and make it more interesting for them.6 students of classes 6 to 8 participated in the activity. 20 students from class 6 to 8 participated in this hobby class.

Saturday Activity

STANDING CHOIR: The Anand Nagar Campus has initiated the forming of a Campus Standing Choir for the students of classes IV to VIII. The concept and importance of the same had been introduced to the students during their online practices but has been brought forward to the real time offline mode from Saturday, October 30, 2021. The idea of these practices is to familiarise the students with the Western form of music, both vocal and theoretical avenues. The students were enthusiastic and eager to join this class and enrolled for it in a good number. The two-hour long session started with the students interacting with each other and sharing about their interest in music, which served as an effective icebreaker. The facilitating Music Teacher conducted a a voice audition session where these participating members were asked to sing a song of their choice. This aided him to determine and test their timbre and range, and further helped him to divide them into the two voices of Soprano and Alto for a choir. The students were also given an aural test where they were asked to listen to a sound of a certain frequency/pitch and post listening replicate it. The choristers impressively fared well and showed promising markings of a being a strong choir in the future. The session was a humble yet fine beginning of an interesting and peer motivating journey in music and assures to bring to fruition in manifold measures if pursued with constancy and dedication.

Diwali Celebration


Diwali is the festival of lights which is celebrated in various regions across India. The name ‘Deepavali’ literally means an ‘array of lights’. To make the students understand the importance of Diwali, Pre-Primary Section of City Montessori School, Anand Nagar Campus had a celebration in school on 2nd Nov 2021. Children came to school dressed up in traditional attire, teachers explained the importance of Diwali in special assembly and our Respected Principal ma'am performed Diwali puja and blessed our little ones.

Children enjoyed various art and craft activities such as Diya-making by Montessori students, Glass Bangle Candle Holder by Nursery students and Decoration of Diya by Kindergarten students with their class teachers.

On this occasion, children were encouraged to help their parents in various household activities like cleaning the house and showcasing their creativity by decorating their house. The festival spiritually signifies the victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, good over evil, and hope over despair.

Both Teachers and students enjoyed the Diwali celebrations wholeheartedly.

Diwali Celebration

Diwali Celebration

Diwali Celebration

Diwali Celebration

Diwali Celebration

Diwali Celebration

Diwali Celebration

Diwali Celebration

Anti-Firecracker Campaign

An “Anti-Firecracker Campaign” was organized in CMS, Anand Nagar Campus on 1st November, 2021. The students prepared banners and wrote slogans on the theme- Celebrating Green Diwali. A PowerPoint Presentation was shown to all the students, so that they could understand the impact of the chemicals in the crackers on our health and on the environment.

Students marched shouting out slogans led by our respected Principal ma'am and Ms. Lovey Khan, Campus Environment Co-ordinator appealing to people to celebrate an eco- friendly Diwali by saying 'No' to crackers. Their enthusiasm and energy echoed throughout the vicinity of Anand Nagar Campus.

anti cracker