

Penguin Awareness Day is such a good opportunity to learn more about penguins and understand the situation they’re in. The main focus of Penguin Awareness Day 2022 is to celebrate and commemorate penguins, but also do a deep dive on the animal to educate people on their world.

Keeping this in mind Penguin Awareness Day was celebrated in the Pre-Primary Section at Anand Nagar Campus. Special Assembly was conducted where the children highlighted the various facts about the Penguins. A peppy song ‘Have you ever seen a penguin dancing' was also played in the assembly.

Various art and craft activities were conducted in the classes of the Pre-Primary Section.

  • Mont - Colouring of Penguin
  • Nur - 3 D Penguin Craft
  • KG- Paper Cup Penguin Craft

To educate the people on their situation, how climate change has affected them and about the different species and where they live, a small video was also shown in the classes of the Pre-Primary Section.



National Popcorn Day

On January 19th, National Popcorn Day pops onto the scene with a crunch we all love to enjoy! The annual celebration recognizes a treat that satisfies munchies, day or night. This snack can be sweet or savoury, caramelized, buttered or plain, moulded into a candied ball, or tossed with nuts and chocolate. The word “corn” in Old English meant “grain” or, more specifically, the most prominent grain grown in a region.

Pre-Primary Section of Anand Nagar Campus celebrated National Popcorn Day with zeal and enthusiasm. Special Assembly was organized for the celebration. Students participated by dressing up as a popcorn tub and told us many things related to popcorn and also enjoyed singing a poem 'popcorn kernels.... ' Other children were also dressed up in white and yellow colour dress. All together they enjoyed dancing on Popcorn dance energizer 'Popcorn pop popcorn pop...'

Various activities were conducted in the online classes.

Montessori - Making corn by pasting of paper crushing balls.

Nursery - Making Sheep by pasting popcorns

Kindergarten - Making popcorn snack (Fireless cooking)

National Popcorn Day

National Popcorn Day


Pre-primary Section: -

Mother’s Club

The objective of this Spoken English session was to make them understand the concept of sentence structure and how to make basic English sentences along with jumbled word game.

The attendees participated enthusiastically in the session.

Mother’s Club

IT Club for Mothers

IT Training for Mothers was conducted in CMS, ANAND NAGAR CAMPUS on 17th January 2022 to provide comprehensive range of learning opportunities and to enhance their technical skills by learning picture tools of MS Word.

All the mothers participated with enthusiasm and zeal.

IT Club for Mothers

Pimary Section:

It was a fun filled Saturday for the Primary Section. The day began with house meeting. Various points were discussed in the house meeting. In various hobby classes, learners actively participated. Students of class 1 made flowers of tri colour. Students of class 2A did cotton printing and students of class 2B made Pen stand. Students of classes 3 to 5 did painting using buds to show their creativity. In Eco club, students made newspaper bags. Finally, in Spoken English club, learners enhanced their vocabulary through various activities.

Saturday Activity - January 2022

Saturday Activity - January 2022

Saturday Activity - January 2022

Saturday Activity - January 2022

Junior & Senior Section:

Eco-Club Report

In Eco Club the students of Junior Section made storage box on 22nd January, 2022 with an aim to make children environmentally conscious about the judicious use of resources. Students were encouraged to make useful storage boxes for storing various things at home.

The activity conducted proved helpful in sensitizing children towards the environment.

Hobby Club:

A quiz titled War of Minds was conducted by the students of Class XI.

The quiz consisted of three rounds:

- Round 1: inside the picture

- Round 2:- General knowledge

-Round 3:- Grammar is fun!

Each round tested the participants of the Senior Section on the basic aspects of their daily life.

The quiz ended with all the three teams having a tie.

Over all, the quiz was fun and executed well.

Art and Craft

Students of the Junior Section were involved in making Republic Day Craft items using the Indian Tricolour to show one's solidarity towards the nation. They were shown a tutorial video to facilitate the crafting session and make it more interesting for them.


Pre-primary Section: -


Technology has removed the barriers of time and distance. There are now available a variety of activities and experiences which allow us to enjoy the beauty or adventure of far-off places while sitting in the comfort of our home. Travelling and trips are the best way to discover.

“Travel opens your heart, broadens your mind and fills your life with stories to tell.”

Virtual Field Trips allow learners to engage in a dynamic, interactive and guided way and assist students to learn outside their classrooms. Keeping this in mind, City Montessori School, Anand Nagar Campus planned an exciting virtual tour for the students of Classes Montessori, Nursery and KG on the 8th of January 2022, to Under the sea, Apple Fruit Factory and Garden. The students could not resist the temptation to visit all these places virtually. They got an opportunity to get a glimpse of all these places.

Virtual Tour was integrated with various Art and craft activities like colouring of fish and apple. Word-wall quiz was also conducted to understand the importance of virtual tours.

Really a good day for social interaction and exposure of the children.



Pimary Section:

It was a fun filled Saturday in the Primary Section. The day began with house meetings. Various points were discussed in the house meetings. In various hobby classes, learners actively participated. Students of class 1 made coasters from newspapers, which was on appropriate use of best out of waste. Students of class 2 made paper lanterns and kites. They enjoyed making them. Students of classes 3 to 5 did an activity on Calligraphy. They learnt Roman Font of writing 'Happy Republic Day' and finally in the Spoken English class students learnt the use of Idioms and Phrases to improve their Spoken English Skills.

Senior Section:


Video based on mental maths was shared with the students. A technique called finger maths was introduced in the class for doing fast calculations. Students enthusiastically participated in answering questions asked in the class. 20 students from class 6 to 8 participated in this hobby class.


On Saturday, 8th January, 2022, a discussion was conducted by the Literary Club amongst the students of classes 9 to 11 under the able guidance of the Club Incharges, Ms. Karuna and Ms. Mala. The topic of discussion was New Year Resolutions.

The discussion was a unique way of extracting points of view of the students and getting to know how they are planning their future. In the discussion, the students freely and candidly expressed their New Year Resolutions and how they are planning to achieve their goals. The primary resolution of the senior most class was the same i.e. to concentrate more on studies, so as to come out with flying colours in their Board examination and to clear further competitions and exams. They participated actively, and without holding back, they shared their opinions and also their shortcomings which they have resolved to overcome this year. They realised the importance of making a timetable in order to achieve their goals.

This idea of exchanging views aimed at improving the speaking skills of the children and inculcating confidence. It also helped the teachers to know more about the children's goals and shortcomings. Altogether it was a great opportunity to freely express one's views.


ECO CLUB HOBBY (Poster Making on 'National Bird Day)

With a motive to bring in change by encouraging and creating awareness, poster making activity was conducted for the students of the Junior section on the theme 'National Bird Day'.

The Eco club hobby aims to develop future ready leaders who can take charge to educate and spread awareness about the day and saving the birds. 14 Students from class VI to VIII participated in the Eco Club hobby with lots of enthusiasm and zeal.


Every year, we welcome new year with new thoughts, new resolutions and lot of positivity and enthusiasm. The students were involved in Card making activity on New Year Resolutions so that they can reflect on it and set new goals for this year. They were shown a tutorial video to facilitate the crafting session and make it more interesting for them.