
International Day of Disaster Reduction on 13/10/2020

The International Day for Disaster Reduction (IDDR) is an international day that encourages every citizen and government to take part in building more disaster-resilient communities and nations. The day celebrates how people and communities around the world are reducing their exposure to disasters and raising awareness about the importance of reining in the risks that they face. A power point presentation was made and presented by the students educate all about the disasters caused by man-made, or natural hazards, as well as related environmental, technological and biological hazards and risks. Measures to be taken to reduce the disasters were also highlighted.

International Day of Disaster Reduction

Science Experiments and Art/Craft on 10/10/2020

Every Saturday is observed as an Activity Day. The teachers conduct various activities for the children according to their class. Activities always bring a big smile on the cute face of the children. Science Experiment was conducted in Montessori class where the learners were told about the various properties of water like the taste and colour of water. The learners of the Nursery class also did Science experiment related to heavy and light objects. They were made to observe on their own the difference between heavy and light objects. Hands on Maths and lady finger printing activity was conducted in the KG class where the children learnt number names and used the vegetable lady finger to do printing. The children enjoyed the activities conducted in the classes.

Science Experiments and Art/Craft

Science Experiments and Art/Craft

Science Experiments and Art/Craft

Celebration of World Post Day on 9/10/2020

World Post Day is celebrated in Pre-Primary Section of Anand Nagar Campus. Different activities were conducted by the teachers in the zoom online class.
Montessori: Teacher told the learners about significance of World Post Day by showing letter and cut out of Letter Box. Learners enjoyed Leaf Printing Activity on the envelope to decorate it.
Nursery: Learners enjoyed Paper Tearing and Pasting Activity in the letter box.
Kindergarten: Learners enjoyed Virtual Tour to Post Office and colouring of Post box.

World Post Day

World Animal Day and World Habitat Day on 6/10/2020

World Habitat Day is marked on the first Monday of October each year, and is recognized by the United Nations to reflect on the state of towns and cities, and on the basic right of all to adequate shelter. The day is also intended to remind the world that everyone has the power and the responsibility to shape the future of towns and cities. Students prepared presentation and educated all about the day. WORLD ANIMAL DAY is celebrated to raise the status of animals in order to improve welfare standards around the globe. Building the celebration of World Animal Day unites the animal welfare movement, mobilising it into a global force to make the world a better place for all animals. Video was shown and the students were educated about it.


Science Experiments and Art/Craft on 3/10/2020

An activity day was organized on the 03rd October, 2020 in the pre primary section of "City Montessori School Anand Nagar" campus. Various "fun day time" activities were planned for the tiny tots.

1. An Art and Craft activity named "Crayon shaving and pasting" was taken for the little ones of "Montessori class" in which children shaved the crayon and pasted it on a picture of a birthday cake.

2. Science experiments were conducted in the classes "Nursery and Kindergarten".

3. In Nursery class an experiment named "Water has no shape" was taken by the class teacher. Experiment was conducted using different vessels and containers.

4. In Kindergarten science experiment named "Fizzy fun volcano" was taken up using the baking soda, vinegar and a candle. It was observed that the carbon di oxide was formed after the chemical reaction and flame of the candle vanished. All the learners took an active participation with complete enthusiasm in the activities conducted in the respective classes.




Celebration of Gandhi Jayanti and UN International Day on 1/10/2020

Gandhi Jayanti and UN International Day of Old Persons were celebrated at CMS, Anand Nagar campus. To celebrate that spirit of Nationalism, a Special Assembly was organized by the office bearers highlighting the importance of Non- Violence and strenuous efforts made by Mahatma Gandhi to achieve freedom for the country. Students were also informed that Gandhi's birth anniversary is celebrated as International Day of Non-Violence. Students were encouraged to imbibe his virtues and teachings in leading their lives as Gandhi was an institution in himself. Self -discipline, truthfulness, cleanliness and perseverance are a few of his teachings to learn from. Students participated the day with great enthusiasm and zeal. Along with Gandhi Jayanti, UN International Day for Older People was also celebrated to encourage students to help and take care of people of older age.

Gandhi Jayanti

Gandhi Jayanti

Gandhi Jayanti

Gandhi Jayanti