
Research Focused Professional Development on 30th November, 2019

Helpers’ Day Celebration on 26th November, 2019

To create awareness about the role of helpers in our day-to-day life and to appreciate their work, Helpers’ Day was celebrated at Anand Nagar campus on 26th November 2019 with great zeal and enthusiasm.

Video Conferencing on 25th November, 2019

Students of Junior section had a video conference with Sacred Hearts School, Indonesia, Al Hazar Philippines and Bloom field Hall Pakistan on the topic ' Rights of Women and Girls'.

Visit to Traffic Park- An Educational Tripon 25th November, 2019

The road safety education organized by the authorities from time to time is aimed to make students aware and educate them the traffic rules that they should abide by when they are on the road regardless whether it’s pedestrians or driving vehicles.

Keeping the thought in mind, the students of classes III to V of City Montessori School, Anand Nagar campus visited Traffic Park located in Indralok Colony, Krishna Nagar on 25th November 2019 for educational trip to create awareness among children about the importance of Traffic Rules. 

Hobby Classes on 23rd November, 2019

World Television Day on 21st November, 2019

World Television Day was celebrated on 21st November 2019. A model of television was shown to the children and variousterms related to television like shape, size, colour, buttons and like were told to the children. The teachers shared the names of the different channels like Pogo, Disney, Discovery, Food Food, AajTak and Zee Channel with children. They were also briefed about the television, its importance and time duration for watching television. It was an informative day and children enjoyed a lot. 

Special Prayer Assembly on 20th November, 2019

World Toilet Day on 19th November, 2019

World Toilet Day was observed at the campus by the students of Pre-Primary, classes I and II and Junior Section on 19th November 2019. A Special Assembly was conducted where in the children were briefed about the importance of day and how to keep our toilets neat and clean. Several bathroom articles and toiletries were shown to the children. School Mother also demonstrated the method of mopping to the children. Many classroom activities were conducted and videos based on the health and hygiene was shown to the children. A slogan writing competition was organized for Junior students where the children enthusiastically participated. Children wrote meaningful quotes to raise awareness about toilet etiquettes and hygiene and sanitation.

Model Class Presentation of Class VI on 16th November, 2019

Children’s Day Celebration on 14th November, 2019

City Montessori School, Anand Nagar celebrated Children’s Day with great zeal andenthusiasm on 14th November 2019. All the students of the campus came dressed in colourful attires. Respected Principal Ma’am and teachers wished all the children fortheir bright future ahead. A Special Assembly was beautifully designed by allthe sections for celebrating the childhood and joyfulness. Skit, Puppet Show, Movie, Cooperative Games, Dance party were the major components of thecelebration. Children were thrilled and danced on their favourite tracks. Class Parties were organized where in the children enjoyed with their friends and teachers. Children also brought special delicacies for their class party. Sweets sent by the School Management were distributed to the students.

Visit to Botanical Garden - An Educational Trip on 7th November, 2019

There is no other learning which is better than seeing and doing hands-on, keeping this thought in mind, the students of classes I and II of Anand Nagar Campus were taken to the Botanical Garden, Hazratganj on 7th November 2019 to experience the flora and fauna of nature. The vast expanse of greenery and the well laid lawns were an open invite for the little ones to enjoy.

Visit to Coca-Cola Plant - An Educational Trip on 6th November, 2019

Students of classes VI to VIII of our campus visited Coca Cola Plant, Safedabad, District Barabanki on 6th November 2019.  Children were very enthusiastic to see thehuge plant. The students and staff were escorted by the officials of company and entered the venue in slots of 30 students and 1 teacher. A completedescription of plant like purification of water and its treatment, process of bottling, filling, labeling and marking of date was given to the students bycompany officials. Children were excited to see the machinery and equipments of the plant. They were also briefed about the entire mechanism of preparing cold drinks. 

Prize Distribution Ceremony of the Position Holders of Half-Yearly Examination-2019 and Honouring of Respected Mothers on 1st November, 2019

City Montessori School, Anand Nagar organised the Prize Distribution Ceremony for the Position Holders of Half Yearly Examination-2019 along with the honouring of their Respected Mothers on 1st November 2019 at campus. The ceremony was an occasion to acclaim the achievements of students who have attained excellence in academic spheres through their dedicated efforts and perseverance.