
Model Class Presentation of Class Nursery A and B on 31/01/2020

Explanation of Basant Panchami

Significance of Basant Panchami explained to the students of Primary Section on 30/01/2020

Activity In Class 2 Children Created Their Own Patterns

Hands on Maths activity in Class 2 - Students created their own patterns using Ice-cream sticks on 29/01/2020

Flag Hosting at Campus on 26/01/2020

Republic Day Celebration at Campus on 25/01/2020

Fire Evacuation Drill on 24/01/2020

Pariksha Pe Chacha

Pariksha Pe Chacha Interactive Session of Honourable PM Narendrea Modi with the Students on 20/01/2020

House Meeting in Classes I and II on 18/01/2020

Conversation on Lohri (Classes 1 & 2)

Assembly by classes 1 & 2

To make Assembly more interesting and interactive “Usage of Technology” was taken up in the Assembly by Classes I and II on 14/01/2020

Significance of Lohri explained to the students of Classes I And II through videos on 13/01/2020

PLC conducted on the topic - Language of Virtues by Coordinators on 10/01/2020

Generate Enviromental Awareness and Stop Wastage

Pledge conducted by Primary and Junior Section Students to on 7/01/2020

Class IX Analysis Meeting 07/01/2020

PLC conducted by the Principal

PLC conducted by the Principal and supported by School Counsellor Ms Dishani based on Child Well Being 03/01/2020

PLC Pre Primary and Primary Sections on 03/01/2020

PLC conducted by the Principal based on Adhyayan Collaborative Review on 01/01/2020

PLC conducted by the Principal based on the School Assembly on 02/01/2020