
Vidya ka Parv on 1/04/2019

Annual Prize Distribution on 6/4/2019

Celebrating success at Anand Nagar Campus - Annual Prize Distribution Ceremony which was organized for the Campus Toppers, Position Holders, Special Categories-Remarkable Improvement, Full Attendance, 100% marks, Proficiency in Spoken English, German and Abacus students and Office bearers.

Fitzroy Activity I and II 10/4/2019

Fitzroy activity with class I and II during the Assembly on 10/4/2019

Jack N Joel Musical Concert

A mini music concert was organized wherein -Respected Director of Strategy, Mr Roshan Gandhi Farouhi and Mr Joel of the famous musical duo 'Jack and Joel 'performed at the campus much to the delight of students and staff.

World Health Day on 8/4/2019

April 7th of each year marks the celebration of World Health Day. The day was celebrated by Pre-Primary Section by innumerable activities such as hand washing activity for Montessori, hygiene activity for Nursery,Role Play on Healthy and Junk Food for KGA and Fruit Chaat Party for KG B. Special Assembly was organized for students of Classes 1 and 2 to highlight the importance of the day and to encourage healthy eating and living.

Earth Day - Pre - Primary on 22/4/2019

Earth Day is an annual event created to celebrate the planet's environment and raise public awareness about pollution. The day, marked on April 22nd, is observed worldwide with rallies, conferences, outdoor activities and service projects. Special Assembly and activities were conducted to apprise the students of Anand Nagar Campus about the significance of the day.

Earth Day - Class I and II on 22/4/2019

Parent Orientation on 12/4/2019

To help new students acclimate to the campus and existing students to new class, an orientation program was organised for the Pre-Primary Section to enable the parents support their wards to make this transition. The highlights included introduction of Dossier, Book list, Syllabus, Reading log, Fitzroy Phonics, Swimming, Fruit Break, School Diary and Celebration of Special Days.

Research Focused Professional Development Pre-Primary Section on 6/4/2019

Research Focused Professional Development Pre-Primary Section Demo by Ms Sunita Singh on 6-4-2019-Topic-Sense Organs