
Hobby Classes

Hobby Classes at Anand Nagar Campus on 5.5.2018

Mother's Day

Mothers are the greatest gift of God to humankind and motherhood to womankind. The voice of a mother soothes the heart beat of an infant who though does not understand words but feels the tangibility of the comfort and the love that the presence of his mother brings. The word ‘Mother’ epitomizes love, compassion, selflessness and sacrifice and rings in an inundation of emotions at the very mention of its name. The title itself elevates the persona of the bearer and adds an awe-inspiring aura to them, be it Mother Teresa or Mother Mary.

The campus celebrated this day with the world on 7th May, 2016, with great zeal and enthusiasm by organizing a special event to honour mothers, the most important and inseparable person who partners in the growth and development of a child.

Respected Mothers were invited to the Pre-Primary wing of the campus to participate in an event specially organized to acknowledge their conjunctive partnership with the school. The Mothers sang songs, danced and recited poems and marked this day special for the campus.