
National Sports Day on 29/08/2018

National Sports Day at Anand Nagar Campus - The National Sports Day in India is celebrated on 29th, August each year. This day marks the birthday of Major Dhyan Chand Singh, the hockey player who won gold medals in Olympics for India in the years 1928, 1932 and 1936. The Pre-Primary Section of Anand Nagar Campus celebrated the day by learning the significance of sports in daily life, types of sports and equipment related to the same.

Research Focused Learning Community on 25/08/2018

Research Focused Learning Community at Anand Nagar Campus Pre-Primary Section - Demo by Ms Ekta on the topic - Counting 1-20. Classes 1 and 2 -Demo by Ms Urvashi Sharma-Addition up to 10 using flash cards, ice cream sticks and beans. Classeslll to V - Demo by Ms Sonia on the topic –Prepositions. Junior Section-English Demo by Ms. Fairina Alexander on the topic -The Sentence.

Hobby classes on 25/08/2018

Hobby classat Anand Nagar campus III-A fruit chart III-B clay modelling IV-A book mark and pencil holder IV-B sand painting V A and V B paper bags. Junior section-sketching, paper bags, scratch program -creating hide and seek game,photo frame, poster making on environmental issues and fireless cooking - veg burger.

Investiture Ceremony on 25/08/2018

INVESTITURE CEREMONY at Anand Nagar Campus Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. Warren Bennis The Investiture Ceremony of Anand Nagar Campus for the academic session 2018-2019 was held on 25-08-18 with great earnestness and passion. Donning the mantle of accountability, the office bearers pledged to discharge their duties to the best of their abilities.

Field Trip on 21/08/2018

Field Trip at Anand Nagar Campus-Students of class 1(both shifts) visited Traffic Training Park today.

Hobby classes on 18/08/2018

Hobby Class at Anand Nagar Campus-Classes 1 and 2 - Hanging pen stand, paper folding boat and tree, photo frame and file cover.

Research Focused Learning Community on 18/08/2018

Research Focused Learning Community at Anand Nagar Campus- Pre-Primary Section.

Independence Day Celebration

Independence Day Celebration at Anand Nagar Campus Pre-Primary Section, Classes l - ll-Inter House Speech n Elocution Competitions were conducted along with the Special Assembly, Classes lll - V-Inter House Speech, Dance and Elocution Competitions were conducted along with the Special Assembly, Junior Section-Inter House Speech, Dance and Song Competitions were conducted along with the Special Assembly.

Research Focused Learning Community on 11/08/2018

Research Focused Learning Community at Anand Nagar Campus-Pre-Primary Section-Demo-Missing Numbers, Classes 1 and 2-Demo-Long vowel sound and reading story through Fitzroy App. Classes lll-V-Discussion on Field Trip to NBRI-What went well and Even better If, HOTS, Junior Section-Discussion on HOTS.

Hobby classes on 11/08/2018

Hobby Class at Anand Nagar Campus-Pre Primary to class Vlll- Rakhi making activity.

Student Council Election on 9/08/2018

Student Council Election at AnandNagar Campus - The purpose of the student council is to give students an opportunity to develop leadership by organizing and carrying out school activities and service projects. In addition to planning events that contribute to school spirit and community welfare, the student council is the voice of the student body. They help share student ideas, interests and concerns with the school wide community. For being a part of such an important student body, we do it the Democratic way. The eligible candidates of Primary and Junior Sections were nominated by fellow housemates in House meetings. They nominees then addressed the students during Assembly on different days urging them to vote for them. The same was followed by voting.

NBRI Visit on 9/08/2018

The students of classes Ill to V of Anand Nagar Campus visited NBRI on 9th August, 2018. The Botanic Garden is situated in the heart of Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh province, and covers an area of 25 hectares along the southern bank of the River Gomti. The garden serves as a national facility to conserve India's flora and offers opportunities to researchers, students, teachers, plantsmen and garden-lovers from India and abroad. It has a high reputation for its well-identified and aesthetically displayed diversity of plants, comprising a collection of 6,000 indigenous, ornamental and exotic taxa, designed to capture a living nucleus of plant wealth for posterity.

Rainbow Day on 9/08/2018

The rainbow is a beautiful natural phenomenon. Every rainbow has seven colors beginning with red and ending with violet or purple. To remember the order of these colors, we use the acronym ROY G. BIV or VIBGYOR which stands for Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo and Violet Rainbow Day was celebrated by Pre-Primary Section of Anand Nagar Campus wherein the little ones dressed in all shades of the rainbow were told about the different colors .

International Cat Day

International Cat Day is celebrated every year on 8th August in recognition and veneration of one of humanity’s oldest and most beloved pets. The festivities were put together for the first time in 2002 by IFAW, the International Fund for Animal Welfare, among other animal rights groups, to celebrate the most popular pet on the planet. The Pre-Primary Section of AnandNagar Campus organized a Special Assembly to mark the day wherein the teachers shared the significance of the day with the learners.

Research Focused Learning Community

Research Focused Learning Community at Anand Nagar Campus Pre Primary section Demo on the topic-Wild Animals.

Hobby classes

Hobby classes at Anand Nagar Campus -Classes I and II-Rakhi making activity.

Video Conference

Students of class VIII of Anand Nagar Campus participated in a Video Conference with students of Anteneo De lloilo, Phillipines and Mahatma Azaha koilgar School on the topic -'Identity and belonging.'

Fire Evacuation Drill

CMS, Anand Nagar has organised a fire evacuation drill on 26th July,2018 for the students of Pre-Primary to VIII to teach them important procedures and practices during fire.

Hobby Classes

Hobby Classes on 28/7/2018at Anand Nagar Campus Class 1A-Peacock with plastic spoons, Class IIB-Table mats, flower vase, paper bag, painting, envelope making and clay modeling. Classes III to V- HOBBY CLASSES at Anand Nagar Campus -Junior Section- Paper bag making, piggy bank making, sketching, fire less cooking and scratch programming.

Ball Pool Fun- Pre-Primary Section

Pre Primary Section of CMS Anand Nagar campus organized Ball Pool Party on 18th July, 2018. Bubbling with excitement and enthusiasm, the children thoroughly enjoyed the ball pool activity. Students of Pre-Primary Section visited the Ball Pool and played with the colourful balls. The little ones were excited to spent time with their friends in the newly made ball pool.

Research Focused Learning Community

Research Focused Learning Community at Anand Nagar Campus Pre Primary Section, Classes 1 and 2, Classes III-V (14.7.18)


CISV MOSAIC at Anand Nagar SMART CHALK-Computer Literacy Program for mothers was launched on 12/07/2018 at Campus. Inspired by the vision of our Respected Founder Manager who encourages the participation of mothers in school activities, the Mosaic project is designed to provide support to the mothers in the teaching learning process of their children. Being part of a Mosaic project is a real-life learning experience that will have a lasting impact!

Yellow Day Celebration

Pre Primary Section of CMS Anand Nagar Campus celebrated Mango Day on 10th July, 2018 in order to recapitulate and reinforce the color, shape and smell of mango among students.

Hobby Classes

Hobby Class at Anand Nagar Campus Class 1A -Gift wrapping, Class 1B-Paper Bags, Class2B-Card making. (7/07/2018)

Research Focused Learning Community

Research Focused Learning Community at Anand Nagar Campus Pre-Primary Section Topic-Shapes(7/07/2018)

Vidya Ka Parv

CMS, Anand Nagar enthusiastically celebrated the first day of school after the summer break as ‘Vidya Ka Parv’ on 2nd July, 2018.

Roza Iftaar

Hobby Classes

Hobby Classes at Anand Nagar Campus on 5.5.2018

International Cat Day on 8/08/2018

International Cat Day is celebrated every year on 8th August in recognition and veneration of one of humanity’s oldest and most beloved pets. The festivities were put together for the first time in 2002 by IFAW, the International Fund for Animal Welfare, among other animal rights groups, to celebrate the most popular pet on the planet. The Pre-Primary Section of AnandNagar Campus organized a Special Assembly to mark the day wherein the teachers shared the significance of the day with the learners.

Research Focused Learning Community on 4/08/2018

Research Focused Learning Community at Anand Nagar Campus Pre Primary section Demo on the topic-Wild Animals.

Hobby classes on 4/08/2018

Hobby classes at Anand Nagar Campus -Classes I and II-Rakhi making activity.

Video Conference on 1/08/2018

Students of class VIII of Anand Nagar Campus participated in a Video Conference with students of Anteneo De lloilo, Phillipines and Mahatma Azaha koilgar School on the topic -'Identity and belonging.'